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请问拿到Rotterdam Business School这所高等职业大学的本科文凭后申请其他国家较好大学的硕士有影响吗?比如有忘申请新加坡国立大学硕士吗?不胜感激!


alexandertg  ↗贵宾↗  2004-4-18 14:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
I am not sure whether the message has been sent to you. The best way I think is to leave the message here.

Hello, ava1151,

A message requesting information related to your message has just been sent to NUS. We could expect the respond within a week. Anyway, I will let you know once any further knowledge received. By the way, the only post-graduate studies NUS provides is MBA.

Besides, University Erasmus and Maastrict have exchange program with NUS. Hence, I may conclude that at least the diploma there can and should be admitted.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

vincentpan  初上贼船  2004-4-18 15:08:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
楼上的朋友哦。在此再加几个问题。。 :o
Rotterdam Biz School 和University Erasmus 有什么关系吗。
alexandertg  ↗贵宾↗  2004-4-18 15:24:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Rotterdam Business School , I believe, has no relationship with Erasmus.I have sent an e-mail to ask about the prodcedures applying to post-graduate studys abroad. A notice will be here as soon as I have the information.
ava1151  见习海盗  2004-4-19 06:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门
Thanks for ur useful information. Only wait for the information.
Would u give me some advice please? I have got IS-6.5. It's possible for me to be enrolled into universities, like Erasmus or the others, which require me spend at least 3 years to get the bacholr degree. It's true that although  Rotterdam Business School only needs 1.5years, it is worse than university, even would affect my master application. Thank u very much!
alexandertg  ↗贵宾↗  2004-4-19 14:19:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
The best choice you seem to have is try to convince Erasmus to shorten your study period to 2 years. I would suggest that you go to Erasmus instead of Rotterdam Business School.At least the reputation of Erasmus will be much helpful for you application in your post-graduate education.
alexandertg  ↗贵宾↗  2004-4-21 20:02:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
to ava1151:

I haven't got any information for NUS yet. Please be so kind to remind me if you still have no news from me.
ava1151  见习海盗  2004-4-22 05:38:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建厦门
To: Alexandertg

Thanks for ur kindness. The angent suggest me to study in Tirburg, it said that it was the best business school in Netherlands, can u tell me the truth! How about the Tirbury University? Thanks!
DeStijl  见习海盗  2004-4-22 05:55:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
Don't trust the agents.

Tilburg is OK but how many people in China know Tilburg?
Eramus is a lot more well-known in China.
DeStijl  见习海盗  2004-4-22 05:56:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
Don't trust the agents.

Tilburg is OK but how many people in China know Tilburg?
Eramus is a lot more well-known in China.
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