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本科生如何申请工作许可 作者:cyzh, 连接 http://bbs.gogodutch.com/thread-81907-1-1.html   觉得很冷~~     想混真不容易.........

想请教一下,本科毕业之后,是不是可以申请个一年的居留,呆在荷兰工作?这个居留叫什么? 这一年是不是可以不用WP? 这一年之后是不是就要像上帖中所述,要公司帮你申请WP了?过程和要求,亦如上帖中描述的一样繁琐和苛刻吗?:34:
请有经验,工作的ggjj们  帮忙解答一下吧~


askim  四海霸王  2009-10-16 12:03:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
it's an old subject. in all, foreigners with dutch diploma, after graduation, apply for zoekjaar (only 1 year, cannot be extended), within this 1 year, free to work, no work permit. within this 1 year, need to find a company in NL. the company should stand in the list from IND or can apply for it. only such kind of company can apply for u to work as KM in NL. ur salary should be 25000 euro bruto per year. applying for KM is better than applying for WP. WP is much more difficult.

cannot tpy chinese, just make it short, hope that u can have an overview. more details pls search for old messages.
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bowevian  中级海盗  2009-10-16 12:21:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
谢谢ls,  原来......  大家可以忽略我的问题了~~
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