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hiholland  见习海盗  2009-8-15 06:52:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 peterpu 于 2009-8-15 00:22 发表


Peterpu, 你能让大家见识见识井外的世界吗?
fan van delft  四海霸王  2009-8-15 08:48:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
工资需要大张旗鼓谈吗? 好像就口头一概念,等合约签字。确实就是xixi大哥说的“底线法”。
好,俺TU新毕硕士,低于35k的工作不接.(这个底线在谈之前就该有了?)  跟HR只简单说,希望工资是35k到40k之间。余地留给他们去斟酌。好像你的心里底线本就是..有点低..那就结了,剥削一说有点过。


荷兰文化本就是“你不问我不说,你不要我不给”  不仅仅是工资,工作模式也是一样,要求主动直接。和中国(尤其南方)文化含蓄完全不同。这点1,2年内得赶紧适应--------- 不然你工资低的怨气不除,工作态度一定受影响,表现出问题,老板可绝对猜不出因为你不满意工资  (因为签字生效的是aggreement, 是互相同意的,无论多少!!) 最后恶性循环倒霉的还是自己。

v_c  四海霸王  2009-8-15 10:01:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

如果是因為目前就業的壓力,只有一個到手的offer,不想推掉(也顧不得長遠發展等等樂)。那就不要抱怨,到手的offer拿著,開始工作(本來在這種情況下你就沒有bargaining power,也不會為了幾百歐的工資把offer推掉)。不要放棄繼續找工作,同時開始建立人際關係網,隨著目前工作接觸的人越來越多,找工作的信息一定更靈通。

linlinvera  海贼王  2009-8-15 11:01:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
agree with Fan van delft,谈的时候不给或给的低自己就要,会哭的孩子有奶吃。even if you finally accept the low salary, you need to make the boss releaize your value. If one people don' know how to fight for himself, how can the boss believe he will fight for the company? if someone simply accepted the low salary without fight, then what he did is a very passive way.

but as long as  you accepted it without fight, You set the whole tone.I dont' think you should change it. otherwise your ethics will be in doubt. you will not only lose the job, but also lose your integrity.You made the mistake, you have to pay for it. In this case, the only thing you can do is just accept the mistake, take it easy, adjust your attitude, work hard and show them your values. When you are signing the contract with the company, you can say politely that you understand the company's situation under current downturn, but you believe in your capability of contribution and you hope your value will be realized properly soon.

Don't regret yourself,  It's just a small mistake in your life. Be strong and confident, real confident inside.
bebegones  中级海盗  2014-4-17 17:47:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
hiholland 发表于 2009-8-15 06:52
Peterpu, 你能让大家见识见识井外的世界吗?

人家还真的不错 :)
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