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> Until 2009 the research master was also refered to as an "MPhil" and
> the the degree awarded that of Master of Philosophy (with the right to
> choose to use the title of MA or MSc). Contrary to the expectations of
> the Dutch universities, the Dutch Ministry of Education has decided
> not to legally recognise in the Netherlands the MPhil title which is
> in common use internationally. For this reason Dutch Universities will
> no longer award this degree, and will in future use the legally
> recognised award of Master of Arts or Master of Science for these
> programmes. Students who are currently enrolled in an MPhil programme
> will still receive the MPhil award (the University is authorised to
> award diplomas itself), but will in addition also receive the Master
> of Arts or Master of Science degree legally recognised in the Netherlands.

偶今年已经决定从了RUG的research master in Economics and Business 一直觉得Mphil 比MS含金量高点,看到这新闻很是郁闷马上给coordinator 写信,偶把回信贴出来,供后来人参考

In Groningen, we never conferred the title MPhil to our graduates,
because we knew the title was not legal. Hence, our graduates have
always obtained the MSc title. However, our degree certificates go with
a document telling that the contents of our programme are similar to
those of other programmes offering the MPhil title. Until now, not a
single graduate of ours has had difficulties obtaining a PhD position
due to the fact that our programme leads to an MSc: potential employers
look at the contents of programmes, not at formalities! Hence, although
I fully understand your confusion, there is nothing to worry about!
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sweathan  中级海盗  2009-5-18 04:13:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州
在很多国家MPHIL就是master by research,授予学位MA,Msc

by research和by coursework,一个为研究准备,将来读PHD,一个为就业准备。根据自己发展来选择好了
sweathan  中级海盗  2009-5-18 04:15:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州
一年制的master by coursework说白了就是花点钱白个文凭外加在外的一个工作机会。
lalala  四海霸王  2009-5-18 09:30:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
没事儿的,只要学校是正规的就好了。我那个文凭连MSC都不是,叫什么master programme in ... ... 。但是找工作也没什么问题。
yuxiaolingxue  见习海盗  2009-5-22 19:12:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
不会功夫的熊猫  四海霸王  2009-5-22 19:38:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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