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00dog  中级海盗  2009-3-31 13:59:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
I have just read about your question.

I am working in abortion clinic. My information is reliable.

Firstly, you need to speak English. If you can speak goeed English, then it is for you easily to make communication with other doctors.

secondly, you need to know how long are you pregnant. If it is longer then 7 weeks, then you cannot use medicine to have abortion. You have to choose then surgical abortion/curettation.

thirdly, according to Nederlands law,  You need to go to your family doctor or directly to the abortion clinic to get a  letter 5 days before you have abortion treatment. This is socall "5 days to think about your decition".

Actually, is there no too much different between medicine abortion and surgical abortion. They are almost even safe. I am try to saying: don't worry about the method.

Hier is the telefoon number: 070-3512341, Van Berverinkstraat 134.
or the nember of the the whole country: 070-3512341.
or: abortion clinic in Amsterdam, Oosterpark kliniek 59, tel:020-6737241
tracychou01  初上贼船  2012-12-8 20:41:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
習慣①個rén゛ 发表于 2009-3-30 00:17
海牙好像有一个地方给钱就能做 两三百欧吧
跟荷兰人说英语就好 不必用荷兰语 这点LZ不用担心 ...

習慣①個rén゛  ↗贵宾↗  2012-12-13 19:14:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
tracychou01 发表于 2012-12-8 20:41

额。。这我还真不知道,没做过。。。我是那时候听朋友说起的。你网上找一下 应该每个城市都有的
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