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cucu  海贼王  2009-4-8 19:57:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰


YQ06  四海霸王  2009-4-8 20:22:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 bafferlo 于 2009-4-8 20:16 发表
真的很痛苦,不知道该怎么办好了。Groningen的导师最牛,McGill学校和导师都中等,剑桥学校好,导师一般。上帝对每个offer都是公平的?!关键是每个导师对我都不是一般的好,不忍心啊。大家有类似经历的吗? ...

xixiyang  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2009-4-10 12:34:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 比利时
Canada is a beautiful place to live. Montreal is goooooood, way better than holand/europe.
But you have to consider ur career path. canada is an agriculture country, not that many 'high tech' going on there. If you end up some a 'so so' promoter, I don't see the point of going there. Nevertheless, it is too early for you to think about relaxing and enjoying life now.

Cambridge is a good university, certainly. But, forgive my honest, the Britain is falling. So does ox and cam.  To get into cambridge nowadays is not a prove of brilliant, but a show of wealth.  unless the superivser is good, otherwise, universityś fame to a Ph.D doesn't mean anything.

I am not saying you have to come to holland. But just want you not being blind by university famous, country relaxing living style, or good weather, nice people, blablabla, These things are important, certainly, but only when you are thinking of retirement.

For doing a Ph.D, the golden rule is: BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have a good/academic strong/well connected/nice to student boss, that means everything. trust me
hotwindsheng  四海霸王  2009-4-10 14:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
很难预判老板的好坏的。。。 除非你有内线:)
hotwindsheng  四海霸王  2009-4-10 14:21:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
但我觉得与其跟一个牛老板,不如跟一个nice的老板。。。。。。 毕竟研究工作还得你自己作, 牛老板不是很忙就是巨能吹水, 实际上还是得靠你自己。
bonmatin  中级海盗  2009-4-11 09:16:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
For doing a Ph.D, the golden rule is: BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mimihou  见习海盗  2009-4-11 17:09:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

[ 本帖最后由 mimihou 于 2009-4-11 18:11 编辑 ]
mimihou  见习海盗  2009-4-11 17:09:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
bafferlo  初上贼船  2009-4-15 16:01:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
刚给剑桥系里小蜜打电话,已经确定系里和Degree Committee 都通过我的申请了,现在就等正式的offer了。感谢各位给我的信息,指点。我决定选择剑桥!原因如下:
a 教授牛,学生不一定牛!教授的脾气不好,学生很容易遭殃!我在美国的老板就是属于这一类的!
b 学术氛围,剑桥毫无疑问是最好的。
c 奖学金,剑桥是最高的。
d 渴望被尊重。由于我出身于一般的学校,在美国遭到过很多人的鄙视,包括我自己的老板。但是我知道自己的潜力,所以两年来,我的成绩是整个center中所有PostDoc,Graduate student里最好的。
已有2人评分 小红花 理由
hotwindsheng + 1 gogogogogo
cucu + 1 祝你成功!为中国人争气~~

查看全部评分 总评分: 小红花 +2 

YQ06  四海霸王  2009-4-15 16:30:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
good choice ;)
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