原帖由 lingmao717 于 2008-12-20 01:20 发表
不知道其他人怎么样,我知道的大部分博士是因为硕士毕业找不到工作,硬着头皮读博士,根本不考虑自己有没有能力。为的就是留在荷兰,留在荷兰为什么?还不是为了钱。 ...
Don't judge other people's motivation, cause you never really know it.
Doing Ph.D is just a job, maybe less paid, but you gain flexibility, research freedom, and potential of growth.
A lot of people went on working in industry right after their M.Sc, but doesn't necessarly "love" their job, or "just for the money".
I don't think you are here just for the money either, you must have your own consideration and plan, so does others.
Nobody is that stupid to spend 4 or 5 years, doing something he hates and meaningless, just for "stay in this country"and"for the money" |