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fan van delft  四海霸王  2008-10-9 08:52:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by hotwindsheng;3514976
我的意见跟你正好相反啦 首先有许多老板都不原意招收超过30的phd,原因其实是对你负责,

原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I take my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..
Post by hotwindsheng;3514976
this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.
Post by invasion;3515161

工作了再读书, 一来是心静不同 而且我觉得工作的方式和phd工作的方式也很不一样。 再者工作的人拿的钱比phd多多了, 所谓由简入奢易, 由奢入俭难啊!除非是边工作边拿phd。 不过一般学校似乎不回接受把

最好别做高龄phd,除非上完有地方去。否则出来找工作,移民都成问题。别说高龄了,就是正常毕业出来的去很多国家移民打分都吃亏了。 最好想清楚。

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything?  I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!
fan van delft  四海霸王  2008-10-9 09:28:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by hotwindsheng;3514976
我的意见跟你正好相反啦 首先有许多老板都不原意招收超过30的phd,原因其实是对你负责,

原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I prefer taking my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..
Post by hotwindsheng;3514976
this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.
Post by invasion;3515161

工作了再读书, 一来是心静不同 而且我觉得工作的方式和phd工作的方式也很不一样。 再者工作的人拿的钱比phd多多了, 所谓由简入奢易, 由奢入俭难啊!除非是边工作边拿phd。 不过一般学校似乎不回接受把

最好别做高龄phd,除非上完有地方去。否则出来找工作,移民都成问题。别说高龄了,就是正常毕业出来的去很多国家移民打分都吃亏了。 最好想清楚。

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything? I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!
mira1001  见习海盗  2008-10-9 10:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?



invasion  四海霸王  2008-10-9 19:46:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by fan van delft;3515537
原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I prefer taking my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..

this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything? I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!

please cite my remark correctly. all i am saying is think twice. i respect all those who have real interests in research.  one more point : first-engineer-then-phds is not very common. the motivation is not clear.
hotwindsheng  四海霸王  2008-10-9 20:10:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 挪威

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by fan van delft;3515537
原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I prefer taking my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..

this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything? I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!
hotwindsheng  四海霸王  2008-10-9 20:12:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 挪威

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by fan van delft;3515537
原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I prefer taking my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..

this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything? I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!

有良心的老板自然是会为你负责的, 不管你expect不expect.

you can make your own choice but a good boss may not give you that bad option.
hotwindsheng  四海霸王  2008-10-9 20:28:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 挪威

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

Post by fan van delft;3515537
原因其实是对你负责???? ----- I never expect “boss“ take responsibility to me, in school or out of. (it’s NO Dutch culture and should not be). I prefer taking my own responsibility.

Imagine 2 attitudes:
---- One: "I am not sure what I want. My boss recruits me, He wants me which makes me feel so good and precious."
----The Other: I’m interested in the topic, I want the PHD position..

this supports my point: “why Uncertain?” ------ why DID NOT try industry directly after Master and save THE 4 years?
In my eyes:
--- fresh 30 PHD, with NO clue where the interests is, that is old;
--- 38 Department Manager, it’s pretty young.
”there's NEVER too old; only too LATE to know what responsibilities should take”.

“Money and Immigration”, all MINOR points and pure personal.
only, here is my huge question-mark “?” Chasing money and immigration, by pursuing a PHD “?????”

the end, all pure personal choices, i am not and might not be a PHD then who am i to say anything? I just personally respect first-engineer-then-PHDs, esp. those masters that are on the track of design or research already…..much more!

很多事情当然只有做过才知道实际情况吧? 所谓计划不如变化快啊。 我方正是开始的时候挺喜欢做研究,但是后来发现自己做研究, 从成研究果到应用到实践花的时间太长了。 所以觉得直接去工业界做研究会更快一些。你要是一开始就知道自己就只能是做工业界的料,那当然是直接毕业跑工业界啦。。。

而且你也误解我的意思啦。 解释一下, 由简入奢易, 由奢入俭难的意思呢是:一个人从简单的生活过到富足的生活很容易。 而过管了富足的生活再过简单的生活就难了。 我什么时候说过要追着钱跑啦?-_-!
mira1001  见习海盗  2008-10-9 20:48:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国

回复: 请问在荷兰申请博士不能超过28岁?是真的么?

slimewoo    2008-10-9 23:25:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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