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我现在在海牙上预科,明年想申请蒂尔堡 可以不啊??有什么要求阿?
蒂尔堡有本硕连读没有呢 有的话 怎么申请阿?


clate  中级海盗  2008-9-5 10:34:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

clate  中级海盗  2008-9-5 10:34:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

ljp19870215  四海霸王  2008-9-5 15:41:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

LS正解  我今年本来就有意向申请的  条件也够  现在蒂尔堡和伊拉斯姆斯是不多的可以6分就进的了 但是传说蒂尔堡进去了比较难出  一旦被KICK OUT了就麻烦了 最终还是放弃了觉得读一年H类垫垫底再转U了  所以LZ还是多考虑一下了  预科出来直接读蒂尔堡风险如何要想清楚
clate  中级海盗  2008-9-5 16:41:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

Post by ljp19870215;3427649
LS正解 我今年本来就有意向申请的 条件也够 现在蒂尔堡和伊拉斯姆斯是不多的可以6分就进的了 但是传说蒂尔堡进去了比较难出 一旦被KICK OUT了就麻烦了 最终还是放弃了觉得读一年H类垫垫底再转U了 所以LZ还是多考虑一下了 预科出来直接读蒂尔堡风险如何要想清楚

well if you want to know 'official news', here you go:

Published: 4 October 2007

Few students graduate in four years (Dutch universities,WO)

Only 37 per cent of all students who started a bachelor's programme in 2002 received a bachelor's degree within four years. A further 37 percent of the students were still registered after these four years, and the remaining 26 percent dropped out.

The Association of Universities in the Netherlands, VSNU, recently published the first figures since the introduction of the bachelor's-master's degree structure in 2002. Tilburg University does not yet have clear figures for the students that received a bachelor's degree after four years. According to the annual report 2006, 21 percent of Tilburg University students who started in 2002-2003 graduated after three years.

Note that the 37 percent of all Dutch universities (graduate within 4 years) is not comparable to 21 percent at UvT (graduate within 3 years). I believe for similar majors, graduate percentages are not far way among all Dutch universities. It is tough in most Dutch universities. The message is there: to get an admission is a piece of cake, but to graduate from a Dutch university within three years is not. A lots of students quit or are asked to leave with negative binding advice.  
蟹蟹的宝宝  见习海盗  2008-9-6 12:02:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

恩,我明白了 我已经在国内上了一年大学,可是雅思过不了6分 就来上预科了
那就是说我这个情况明年只要过了雅思 就可以上蒂尔堡哦
北京顽主  初上贼船  2008-9-6 12:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 求助 申请蒂尔堡

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