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以下是摘自Destinations Guide(http://www.amadeus.net/home/dest ... therlands/intro.htm)的关于荷兰的一些有用的信息,详细的可以去上面这个网址查阅

General Infor.

41,528 sq km (16,034 sq miles).

16.5 million (2006 estimate).
Population Density
394 per sq km.
Amsterdam. Population: 739,295 (2005). Seat of Government: The Hague. Population: 456,886 (2005).

Dutch is the official language. English, German and French are widely spoken. Fries is spoken by the majority of
people in the northern province of Friesland.

GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October).
Social Conventions
It is customary to shake hands. English is spoken as a second language by many and is willingly used; many Dutch people will also speak German and French. Hospitality is very much the same as for the rest of Europe and the USA. It is customary to take a small gift if invited for a meal. Casual wear is widely acceptable. Men are expected to wear a suit for business and social functions. Formal wear may be required for smart restaurants, bars and clubs. Evening
dress (black tie for men) is generally specified on invitation.
220 volts AC, 50Hz. Two-pin European-style plugs are in use.

Euro (EUR; symbol Eur;) = 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of Eur;500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5. Coins are in
denominations of Eur;2 and 1, and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

Currency Exchange
Exchange offices are indicated by the letters GWK. GWK is a national organisation with currency exchange offices at major railway stations, at Schiphol Airport and at the border crossings with Germany and Belgium. Hotels tend to charge high commissions. Verkoop means sell, while Koop means buy.

Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs
American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. ATMs are widely available.
Traveller's Cheques
Widely accepted. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller’s cheques in Euros, Pounds Sterling or US Dollars.

Banking Hours
Mon 1300-1600; Tues-Fri 0900-1600. GWK offices are open seven days a week.

Duty Free
The following goods may be imported into The Netherlands without incurring customs duty by travellers from non-EU European countries and countries outside of Europe:
• 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 cigarillos or 250g of tobacco.
• 1l of liquor or 2l of sparkling wine or liqueur wines and 2l of non-sparkling wine.
• 50g of perfume and 250ml of eau de toilette.
• 500g of coffee or 200g of coffee extract.
• 100g of tea or 40g of tea extract.
• Other goods to the value of Eur;175 (if bought outside Europe).
Note: (a) Goods must be purchased in non-EU countries. (b) The above allowances are only for travellers aged 17 years and above. (c) Enquiries concerning current import regulations should be made to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in the country of departure, or to the national Chamber of Commerce. (d) The import of firearms and ammunition requires a licence.
Abolition of duty-free goods within the EU
On 30 June 1999, the sale of duty-free alcohol and tobacco at airports and at sea was abolished in all of the original 15 EU member states. Of the 10 new member states that joined the EU on 1 May 2004 and the two states that joined on 1 January 2007, these rules already apply to Cyprus and Malta. There are transitional rules in place for visitors returning to one of the original 15 EU countries from one of the other new EU countries. But for the
original 15, plus Cyprus and Malta, there are no limits imposed on importing tobacco and alcohol products from one EU country to another. Travellers should note that they may be required to prove at customs that the goods purchased are for personal use only. Member states may follow the EU’s guide levels of: 10l of spirits; 20l of fortified wine; 90l of wine; 110l of beer; 800 cigarettes; 400 cigarillos; 200 cigars and 1kg of tobacco.


whynot  中级海盗  2008-6-18 10:30:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 荷兰的日常用电、货币、旅行可携带物品等介绍

andrewyuhang  见习海盗  2008-6-19 02:47:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 荷兰的日常用电、货币、旅行可携带物品等介绍

220 volts AC, 50Hz. Two-pin European-style plugs are in use.

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