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Earthquake in Sichuan China 中国四川大地震

On Monday 12 May 2008, Sichuan in central China was hit by an earthquake with a strength of 7.8 on Richter Scale. According to Xinhua, this strongest earthquake in China since 1976, already too more than 34,000 people's lives until now. Support the victims of the earthquake by your donation to:

The Netherlands Red Cross in The Hague 荷兰红十字会帐号
Account number: 881
Key words: "victims earthquake China"

开户单位:Embassy of the People's Republic of China
开户银行:ABN AMRO Kneuterdijk, Postbus 165, 2501 AP Den Haag
账号: 519530365

More than thirty Chinese organizations participate in the "Comité Hulp Aardbeving China" to collect money for support to China.

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