考虑到更大程度的聚集力量, 也减少个人捐款的国际汇款手续费,战斗在荷兰网站和中国留荷学生学者联合会共同发起并组织这次捐款活动,希望可以凝聚荷兰的留学生和华人的力量,尽快为四川人民送上他们所急切需要的物资。
类别 价值 备注
棉被 100元
粮食 300元 大米、方便面、水等
食用油 50元 5升
执行费用 50元 用于救灾物资仓储、运输、发放等
总计 500元 可以帮助灾民度过灾后一个月的生存危险期
请将捐款汇入以下两帐号之一,汇款请注明:donation for SICHUAN。
中国留荷学人基金会付款账号:49 37 24 648
中国留荷学生学者联合会(ACSSNL)帐号:57 93 63 562
本账号汇款由中国留荷学生学者联合会负责管理,如汇款到本帐号,请在汇款后请发email donationNL@gmail.com
特别在此鸣谢此号召信的撰写人:浮散流云 感谢您第一时间的帮助!
50 euro,you can save a life in Sichuan!!Dear Sir /Madam,
As you may know, an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude struck Wenchuan (Sichuanon, China) on Monday at 14:28 local time (06:28 GMT). More than 12,000 people died, over a quarter of million injured and over 10,000 are still being buried in the rubble. Furthermore, millions of people have to stay outdoor all day and night as around 3.5 million houses are destroyed (data by local time 19:00, May 13th). The numbers, unfortunately, are expected to rise.
Now China is open to accept the help form inside and outside of the country. Despite thousands of miles away from our home country, we, overseas Chinese who live and study in The Netherlands, feel as sad as the Chinese people who are suffering. We pray for them in tears and try our best to help.
The Chinese Red Cross announces 50 Euro will help to save a life:
10 euro for bed quilt
30 euro for food (rice, instant noodle and water etc.)
5 euro for eating oil (5 L)
5 euro for administration fee (staff reservation, transportation and delivery )
In total, 50 euro will help one people to go through the first month after the disaster which is the most difficult period.
As the international transfer would generate a cost of 5.5 euro or even higher, we decided to put all the money together into one account and then transfer it back to China.
If you are willing to join us and offer a helping hand, you can transfer the money to any of the follow accounts:
1.Foundation of Chinese Student Support in the Netherlands:
Account number: 49 37 24 648
City: Rotterdam
2.Association of Chinese Students & Scholars in the Netherlands (ACSSNL) :
Account number: 57 93 63 562
Please mark your donation as “donation for SICHUAN” or “donation for China”.
The donations to these two accounts would be combined together and whenever the amount is over 5000Euro (current setting), it would be transferred to Chinese Red Cross. And the first transfer is expected to be done on tomorrow, May 14th. Bank of China will transfer this donation without charging service fee, and the donation will be recieved by red cross China within 24 hours.
All the donations received, transfer records and receipts from the Chinese Red Cross would be posted on internet (http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=232977 ) , and you can check it whenever you want. You may send an email to donationNL@gmail.com after your contribution. We will reply you confirming the arrival of your donation.
Alternatively, you can help us through The Netherlands Red Cross, their account information are:
Account No: 881
Name: The Netherlands Red Cross
Place: Den Haag
They would send the money to China if the donation is marked as “donation for victims of China earthquake” or " slachtoffers aardbeving China"
Thank you for your kind attention to read this message and your kind donations to help people who are trapped, endangered and being homeless due to the worst earthquake in China in the past three decades. |