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CSA-EUR is organizing a BIG2-tournament also known as Chinese Poker or 'Chuo Da Di) combined with karaoke and social drink at Wednesday the 23rd of April 2008. This edition will be even more colorful because it is held at the well known karaoke bar Yumi!

Date: Wednesday 23rd of April 2008
Time: 19.00
Location: Yumi (Bar/Lounge/Karaoke),
Boompjes 667 (near Leuvehaven), Rotterdam

Competition fee:
CSA-EUR-members: € 2,-
Non-members: € 3,-

Prizes: for the final three winners!

Application deadline: Monday 21st of April 2008, subscribe via informal@csa-eur.nl

[color="Red"]-----------------------Free entrance!!!------------------------
Afterwards, we will continue with a social drink starting at 20.00!
cheap drinks & opportunity to sing)
[color="red"]-----------------------Free entrance!!!---------------------------

So come and join us for a wonderful evening!
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