Please choose one of the following scholarship: 1) TU/e administered scholarship including an employment contract after graduation. Please indicate which company scholarship you prefer (see website mentioned above to see which TU/e Master's program is eligible for which scholarship).
a) Henk Bodt - ASML scholarship
b) Océ - TU/e International Technology Scholarship
2) Any TU/e administered scholarship (with or without employment contract after graduation)
3) I do not wish te be nominated for a TU/e administered scholarship, because I will finance my studies privately (self or employer, etc)
4) I do not wish to be nominated for a TU/e administered scholarship, because I have already arranged for another scholarship
Please return this email message, indicating clearly what you choice is.
我的雅思只有6分(6.5, 6 ,6 ,6),申请奖学金的希望是不是很小阿