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UVA的documents required里面有一项是

an official certified transcript of the credits for each individual course into European credits (ec). (One European credit stands for 28 hours of study. One regular academic year comprises 60 European credits. One ec =½ US credit.)

请问这个EUROPEAN CREDIT到底怎么换算啊,我算了半天也没算好


Mondayagain  高级海盗  2008-3-13 13:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问european credit到底怎么换算啊

during one year study, you should get 60 credits. And you need to spend 28hours to get one credit.
so you should spend 1680 hours during one year study.

1 european credit = 0.5 US credit
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