年薪46K5 扣完才拿到手1300EURO 一个月
扣了2个1000多EURO的TAX 一个是收入税 还有一个据说是因为目前保险还没办下来 所以扣的一个税
第二个税等保险办下来会退吗 多谢
现在拿到了公司HR的回复 感谢大家前面的回帖 现在也做成一个知识帖吧 准备在荷兰工作的各位注意了
dear xxx,
Herewith the explanation :
The tax system in the Netherlands got a new adjustment. Effective January 1st, 2008 every employee needs to have a social fiscal number also known as burger service nummer (hereafter called BSN), if one has not we need to apply the so called 'anoniemen tarief'.
The consequences of using the anoniementarief in the calculation of the tax and social premiums on your salary and other taxable allowances are:
WW-premium (unemployment Act)
The franchise (part on which you do not have to pay WW premium) will not be taken into account. You have to pay the premium from the first euro onwards and there will be no maximum.
WG bijdrage ZVW (Health insurance employer)
This will not be paid to you.
WN premium ZVW (Health insurance employee)
You have to pay the premium on the total income. There will be no maximum.
Heffing (tax)
You have to pay 52% on every euro of your gross salary payments on which you have to pay tax.
If you have your BSN nr, we can apply the normal tax |