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No matter if you are married or not married or in cohabitation, go for the documents in below:

Additional documents for: Private visa for family / friends visit (in addition to 1 – 7)

8. Copy of the Dutch Passport / Identity card or Dutch residence permit of the referent (If applicable: also of the referent’s husband, wife or offical partner!)
9. Invitation letter of the referent: Issued and legalised by the townhall in the Netherlands.
10. A written guaranty-statement by the referent for the return of the applicant to his/her home country:
If the referent lives in the Netherlands: Issued and legalised by the townhall (can be included in invitation). This letter has a validity of 3 months from its date of issue.
If the referent lives in China: a fully completed and signed guarantee letter* + copy of his/her Chinese residence permit + proof of personal residence in the Netherlands or stay with close family (invitation letter from town hall).
11. Evidence of financial means of the referent (e.g. three most recent salary slips, three most recent bank statements etc).
12. Proof of relationship with referent:
- For family visit: a legalised Chinese notarial certificate of family relationship with the referent.
- In case of any other relation than family, the relationship must be substantiated with original documents, original pictures, correspondence with envelopes etc.)
13. For Chinese applicants: an original "Hukou" document, with photocopies of all pages.
14. For foreign applicants: a Chinese residence permit, with photocopies of all pages.
15. Proof of financial solvency (N.B. Lack of solvency does not automatically mean you can not get a visa!)
For employees: A letter from your employer:
- on official company paper with original stamp, dated and clearly mentioning the signer’s name and position in the company;
- indicating the full address, telephone and fax numbers of the company;
- stating the name, position, salary and length of service of the applicant within the company;
- including approval for leave of absence
For retired persons: Proof of pension or other regular income
For housewives: Proof of employment and income of the husband + Legalised certificate of marriage
For unemployed adults: Proof of regular income
For minors: Proof of employment and income of parent or legal guardian
16. For Minors under 18, travelling alone or with one of the parents:
Notarial Certificate of permission to travel from both parents or legal guardians, legalized by Chinese authorities
+ Notarial Certificate of family relation or proof of guardianship, legalised by Chinese authorities.

More details can be found here:

http://www.hollandinchina.org/in ... d=132&Itemid=97


remote  高级海盗  2008-2-12 12:24:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 访友签证!New Policy!

basic  初上贼船  2008-2-12 13:56:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Post by remote;2960331
ok, thanks, I did no know this coz I havn't updated it since long time. The title is revised but still leave the text here for the fresh who has no idea about it.
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