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Dear all,

To those who are going to come to the Netherlands, you should HAVE TO have some preparation that this is NOT a country like you dreamed!
To be honest, this is really a bloody country!- they steal money from your pocket, or cheat from you! everywhere, including the universities...
All foreinger are treated like refugees, as this country is full of refugees, black people...

I had a lot of expectation before coming here like most of you. Since I'm already here for 2 years, I can tell you some of my REAL experience, although I think you may disregard my suggestion and keep going your dream, but let me just follow my heart to tell you some truth. (you may come, but do some preparation) For those who still has potential, please.... go to some other countries, I think Europe is not a ideal choice...(I visited most of so-called developed European countries, but they're almost the same)

1. tuition: here, especailly the programme MEL in Erasmus university is too expensive and with bad quality. quote some foreign students who participated this programme that 'you just spend euro 14,000(this year tuition, next year will be euro 15000) and get a sort of paper to proof you spent one year in Rotterdam'. it wasted your time and life, more than this, you lost your opportunity and money!
the progamme is a typical bad example, students do not know what the lecturers were trying to tell, you can always sleep in the class, do assignments with others, (some do, some don't do), they never reply your inquires(especially for Chinese students!) they earn money from you, but no service...  don't believe what they promised, they never realized...
2. housing: the univerisity charge students much more than normal providers. Besides, you'll get a narrow/small room, with poor kitchen, pay more than euro400 per month.(depend on your preference, if you like to share with other noisy young students, than it cost only something of euro250), this is far more than a Dutch pays for their house. A two-bed room house costs Dutch only euro 100.
3. alien police: alien police treat you like a theft or refugee, normally, it takes two month to get your resident permit, but in my case, it is 8 month. (shit)
4. dirty street: you can always see black people and people from middle-east wearing vail on the street-everywhere, the picture are like 15 years ago those hooligan on the street in some cities of China.
5. boring life: no TV, no internet(you have to pay euro 35/month) to get Internet, no friends, no drink, no talking... living in the hell.
6. you can not expect to find a good job, although students are allowed to work 10 hrs per week(officially) but what you could get is the ugly job work in restraurant as a servant. or maybe you're lucky to find a job in a company but people there treat you as 3rd class citizen, worse than Indian or black... so upset Chinese. In the company everybody would like you to do those they have NO time to do or do it for them although you have a lot of experience, even you can teach these stupid guys.
7. don't expect you can find a nice job with an Erasmus graduate heading. nobody had experienced to get good job in this programme.
all in all, I'm little tried to list so many disadvanges here.
Those who have a good job, with a nice house, with a car in China, please do NOT come, otherwise, you'll tear without tears.
I'm not trying to distroy your dream to have a look outside of the world, but the fact is that you will absolutely disappointed when you go out!!!
Stay at home, enjoy your holidays, spend time with your family. That's the real heaven life.
Please DO NOT reply my msg as I will NOT re-log and reply your mail anymore, I just tell you the true story.


逍遥派掌门  四海霸王  2003-6-23 18:08:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
ufowu  见习海盗  2003-6-23 18:32:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
realdtch is my older sister, and she knows this country.
active2002  高级海盗  2003-6-23 18:53:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
x_llin  初上贼船  2003-6-23 20:03:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
so can you tell me why you still stay in this "bloody" country, no one invited you coming, it was your own choice, just adapt the life here, do not complain that much, which is useless i think!
明年今日  四海霸王  2003-6-23 23:55:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
hehe, id 要办8个月确实是惨. 是这里文件管理老是出错的问题大概, 大多数人都能按时拿到的, 大家不用着急. 关于城市的问题, 呵呵, 我不喜欢露特丹的风格, 还是比较喜欢格罗宁根, 毕竟在那里住了一年半. 露特丹的特殊地理位置和历史背景都决定了这个城市的移民有很多, 我不喜欢的黑人, 土国人, 摩国人, 哈哈, 不过如果大家去其他城市走走一定会发现荷兰的不同面. 就象露城也有不同面一样, 如果你不要老在移民聚集的地方晃, 一定也会发现露城的好.至于歧视的问题, 呵呵, 如果你自己满意, 管人家干什么?荷兰人大多数都很友好的, 只不过今天遇到另类了嘛. 这样想会舒服一点.
逍遥派掌门  四海霸王  2003-6-24 07:46:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
ufowu  见习海盗  2003-6-24 13:45:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
wangzfan  初上贼船  2003-6-25 09:11:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州
逍遥派掌门  四海霸王  2003-6-25 18:34:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
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