11月30日rijswijk 机井:
1. Which sign is to motor Vehicle ? a) C12 b) C6 c) C15
2. 那一个让对方先走?/F5, F6 C5 (标记)
3. 有一个黑底红圆的图,face rear baby seat, 问的问题是
a)该车装有安全气囊的标志啥意思 b) airbag off
4. Who is not allowed to leave before his or her identity is registered?
a. everybody who is involved in the accident b. only the driver who caused the accident.
余下的都在坛友的机井中出现过,尤其是8月28日amsterdam的题,几乎一模一样。(我就copy 过来了)
5. 在弯道处,你要超一辆moped,可不可以?nee
6. 前面塞车,a.换低档行使,b.开hazard warning light,适当踩刹车,c.尽早在queue里面找一个位置。选b
7. 你正右转弯,要转过去的那条路上有行人过马路,要不要让?Ja
8. 残疾人停车位,你要送货物,可以吗? YES
9. braking distance is depending on: (c)/ a. only driver's response time b. only the distance between two cars c. both
10. When you want to overtake, what the distance you should keep with the car in front of you/ 1. 0.5 second 2. 1 second 3. 2 seconds
11. Picture: you want to go left; shall you let the oncoming car go first? (yes)
12. Picture: You want to go right; shall you let the oncoming car go first? (yes)
13. You are following a motorbike at a speed of 70km/h on a narrow road, can you just do it? (no)
14. After which sign you can expect drivers from right? (b?) Picture: A blue board with white arrow pointing to the right (one way street), A yellow board with a black arrow pointing to the right./ a. blue bord b. yellow board c. both
15. Do you have to use dipped light in tunnel? (yes)
16. Is it allowed to use dipped light during day time? (yes)
17. 一个有电话的黄色标志表示紧急电话在多少公里以内
A. 1 km
B. 2 km
C. 3km
18. 在一个有雾的天气,你前面的车以70公里/小时的速度行驶,你可以overtake他吗?
19. 在home zone,车没有停在P的位置而是停在路边,是允许的吗?
A. 是
20. .在哪儿bus从bus station开出来,你必须等bus先走?
A. inside build up zone
B. outside build up zone
c. both
21. 在 blue line area, you will need to use parking disc.
A. 时间是在停车开始的时候设置
B. 时间是在停车结束的时候设置
22. 车胎气不足的时候,汽油消耗
A. slow speed
B. high speed
C. always
23. 10. 一个moped下面一个箭头的标志表示什么意思?
A. has to use the carriageway
B. has to use cycle/moped path
C. both
24. tram乘客从tram出来,没有安全岛,要不要让?要让
25. stop牌子,no traffic, 要不要停下来?一定要停下来
26. 轮胎刻痕的深度是否影响滑的效果?影响
27. 有一个人受伤了,手里有一块布,要不要给他放在伤口上?要
28. 轮胎的气压不足,什么时候影响汽油的消耗?任何时候
29. 驾照有效期?10年
30. Motorway上的最高时速?120
31. 郊外70限速结束之后的限速?80
32. 小摩托在前面,70跟着他,允许不允许?不
33. 要让一个乘客下车,有一个残疾人过来,要不要让她?要
34. 能不能在自行车道旁边停车让乘客出来?不能
35. 火车轨,一个X,会不会有两个火车?不会
36. 一个篮排上三个并排的箭头,中和右箭头中间一个线栏开,啥意思?rush hour lane
37. 拖车,长杆子,后面一个全红的牌子,对不对?不对,应该是红条条牌子
38. 加速上not ready to join the lane, can u use the indicator? 不能
39. Y行的路口, 你在右边, 小摩托在左边,要不要让?
40. 右转的时候,车没有紧贴着边,对不对?
41. 三条lane, 左道上是向左的箭头走,中间是直走,右边向右走的标记。你在左边路上开着,你想往直开, 要不要 Chang direction? Yes