我看那个 INTT Amsterdam 的网页上,只有两种夜校,一个是F 每周一次的,要上三个月,和G, 每周两次,上一个半月. 这两种都比较适合白天上班和上学的人们. 两种的价格都是 € 470, 但如果是International UvA students and staff should 的话,可以打折到195,还好我可以享受打折, 但我觉得195也已经很贵了.
F. Extensive course: February 20 - May 28, 2008
- 36 hours of teaching (exam included).
- Three hours of teaching each week.
- Groups of 16 participants each.
- Groups for absolute beginners only.
- Not suitable for native speakers of German.
- The groups are scheduled Wednesday evenings, 18.30 - 21.30 h.
(no lessons on April 2, April 9 and April 30, 2008)
G. General course in the period: February 14 – March 28, 2008
- 36 hours of teaching (exam included).
- Six hours of teaching each week.
- Groups of 16 participants each.
- Day and evening groups for absolute beginners, for beginners, and for students at pre-intermediate, intermediate, pre-advanced and advanced level.
- The day groups are scheduled on Tuesday (15.00 - 18.00 h.) and Friday (14.00 - 17.00 h.) afternoons.
- The evening groups are scheduled on Monday and Thursday evenings (18.30 - 21.30 h.).