1. 如果我想08年入学,但现在还没有雅思和GMAT成绩,还想自己diy申请,这可能么?(我实在不想09年再出去读,那时候年纪一把啦~)
2. 我现在心中有2个学校可选,Tilburg university mayor in marketing managment or Erasmus University Rotterdan mayor in marketing, 这2家哪个更适合我一些呢?各位大大还有其他什么建议么?
You can apply now and submit GMAT later before the deadline.
Marketing department at UvT is one of the best in Europe.
I hear that its education program in marketing is the largest in the Netherlands, but I am not sure. But I believe the quality of education programs is comparable between the two universities.
The city of Rotterdam is much more famous and interesting to live than Tilburg, though.