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spriter1  四海霸王  2007-11-5 00:06:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 在荷兰买辆请骑要多少钱?

moped and scooter

Would you like to drive a moped or scooter? You need to be at least 16 years old. You also need a valid brommerrijbewijs. You will need to pass an exam to obtain such a licence. This can be done at a driving school. A scooter may not exceed 25 kilometres per hour. A moped may go slightly faster, but you would need to wear an approved safety helmet. Drive carefully. Many accidents happen involving mopeds and scooters.

A moped or scooter has to be insured. You need to have your insurance certificate with you when driving the moped or scooter. From 1st January 2007, all new mopeds and scooters need to have their own registration certificate and licence plate. The insurance plate, which every moped and scooter previously needed to have, will then no longer be required. Please obtain more information at the RDW for the exact rules.

3VO (Verenigde Verkeers Veiligh
eids Organisatie)

  • 1270 AK Huizen
  • Postbus 423
  • 035 5248800
  • [url=javascript:popitup('http://www.3vo.nl')]www.3vo.nl[/url]

Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer
- hoofdkantoor

  • Europaweg 205
  • 2700 AT Zoetermeer
  • Postbus 777
  • 0900 0739
  • [url=javascript:popitup('http://www.rdw.nl')]www.rdw.nl[/url]
willie0209  见习海盗  2007-11-5 17:15:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 在荷兰买辆请骑要多少钱?

spriter1  四海霸王  2007-11-5 22:23:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 在荷兰买辆请骑要多少钱?


Europaweg 205
2700 AT Zoetermeer
Postbus 777
0900 0739

> inspects > auto-cycle rather registered in other European country
Auto-cycle with a registration certificate from a another European country  
You can for a auto-cycle after a testing at the RDW a kenteken get if you can show that these more earlier in an EU-MEMBER state or EFTA country (* were registered) as a auto-cycle. Condition is that the maximum construction speed is not higher than 45 km/u and the cylinder contents no longer are than 50, cm3. This frequently stands mentioned on the foreign registration certificate. Sometimes the vehicle type is infer from other data. The auto-cycle needs then no have type approval.

To determine identity auto-cycle
During the testing the identity of the auto-cycle is established and stipulated what is the construction year. Afterwards the RDW check if the auto-cycle is technically in order. The maximum speed and sound production are among other things measured.

Auto-cycles younger than three years with a European type approval, where you submit a certificate of agreement (CVO), assess the RDW only on identity and not on technical requirements. Further information on the certificate reads you at certificate of agreement

For the testing of your auto-cycle takes you the following steps:

  • You firstly make an appointment for a testing at one of the RDW testing station. You take into account that to inspecting auto-cycles a long waiting time applies that can incur up to three months.
  • Care that the auto-cycle in order is technically. If you yourself are not expert, you can have the auto-cycle checked by a recognised rectifier.
  • On the arranged date you go with your auto-cycle to the testing. Bring with all relevant documents concerning the auto-cycle. Also you need identity papers put the registration certificate on your name.

Further information:
Information on valid legitimation documents reads you at legitimises
Kentekenplaat and insurance
If you have meeied all obligations, you get down the registration certificate some working days at home sent. Then you must let make kentekenplaat and a legal liability insurance (wa-verzekering) for your auto-cycle to conclude.

(*) EVA stand for European Vrijhandelsassociatie. Connected land its Andorra, monaco, San Marin0, vaticaanstad, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.

2007 Testing auto-cycle - first prerecording €  70.00 Admission auto-cycle younger than 3 years with certificate of agreement (CVO) €  44.00 Ways of private cars and engine bicycles €  17.50 vehicle proof €  37.00 Tenaamstellingsbewijs €  9.00 function ns_softclick(a, url, name, type, winopt){var ns_l="http://nl.sitestat.com/rdw/rdw/s?";ns_l+=name;ns_l+='&ns_type='+type+'&ns_action=view';ns_l+='&ns__t='+(new Date()).getTime();if(!url)url=a.href;var ns_0=document.referrer;if(ns_0.lastIndexOf('/')==ns_0.length-1)ns_0=ns_0.substring(ns_0.lastIndexOf('/'),0);if (ns_0.length>0)ns_l+='&ns_referrer='+escape(ns_0);winopt=winopt||"";var target=(a&&a.target&&a.target!="")?(a.target.substring(0,1)=="_")?a.target.substring(1):a.target:"self";var ns_i=new Image();if(target&&url){if(window[target]){window.ns_softclick_timer=function(target,url){return function(){ns_i.onload=ns_i.onerror=function(){return;};window[((window[target])?target:"self")].location.href=url;}}(target,url);window.setTimeout('ns_softclick_timer()',5000);ns_i.onload=ns_i.onerror=window.ns_softclick_timer;}else{window.open(url,target,winopt);}}ns_i.src=ns_l;return false;}

testing appointment makes

Contact takes with the RDW?

type approval

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