Post by delilah;2693426
还有个问题就是: 1.我现在是大专在读,明年就毕业了,那我是给学校寄我的高中毕业证还是在校证明呢?是高中的成绩还是大专前两年平均成绩?
2.如果我现在给学校寄我的所有材料(除了雅思成绩),学校能不能先发给我个conditional offer? 好像如果通过中介就可以这样
Proficiency in English is compulsory before a request for admission can be made. Proof must be presented by submitting the results from either a TOEFL test or from an IELTS test. You are exempt from an English test, if English is your mother tongue or if you have had English as your first language of secondary education.
Contact the Admissions Office at when you fulfil the English-language requirements and ask for a pre-registration number and the Request for Admission Form.
Send the Request for Admission Form including the necessary documents before May 15 to:
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 1738, Room AT-07
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands