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bi_son  初上贼船  2007-10-20 12:26:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 两个金融业offer

I think u should focus on the reputation rather than the payment, big name counts more
sunlightbj    2007-10-20 15:09:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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suzuko46  见习海盗  2007-10-21 16:04:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰



[ 本帖最后由 suzuko46 于 2009-5-4 17:19 编辑 ]
ceshen  四海霸王  2007-10-22 13:13:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 比利时

回复: 两个金融业offer

Post by sunlightbj;2649592

why? I see it's just a few K euro more.

But of couse LZ only has 1 year working experience it can be counted fresh (less than 3 years)
suzuko46  见习海盗  2007-10-22 13:51:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰



[ 本帖最后由 suzuko46 于 2009-5-4 17:19 编辑 ]
xixiyang  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2007-10-22 15:50:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 两个金融业offer

Post by suzuko46;2654506
is average compensation package in semi-conductor sector come close to the level of Investment banking sector, which is long being considered as the jewel of crown among all the sectors for over 50 years

l am really curious about that if someone can give me a answer. : )

半导体硕士毕业,fresh: 32-38k euros + bonus
半导体博士毕业,fresh: 45-55k euros + bonus
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