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我是用work permit(wp)工作的博士,04年12月开始的工作合同和wp,05年2月拿到的为期三年的id,到期日是07年12月.





gogown  高级海盗  2007-9-26 19:25:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

不知道楼主沿ID和人事部门有什么关系?ID是自己延的,只是黄色的那一页需要P&O 填一下,是关于工资和有效合同的。续ID的钱有的地方报有的地方不报。我当时新ID一下来就是不需要workpermit 了(ID后面会有一句话注明)
nutrewag  四海霸王  2007-9-26 19:43:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

Post by gogown;2586473
不知道楼主沿ID和人事部门有什么关系?ID是自己延的,只是黄色的那一页需要P&O 填一下,是关于工资和有效合同的。续ID的钱有的地方报有的地方不报。我当时新ID一下来就是不需要workpermit 了(ID后面会有一句话注明)

我本来是打算自己续的,就是有一页需要雇主签字,就去找她们签。结果她们上来就要我id看,说wp开始和id开始相差2个月,这样只能按id开始日期算work permit,说她们需要折腾两次云云,要帮我办km.

pigmouse  中级海盗  2007-9-26 19:55:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

icepoint  见习海盗  2007-9-26 22:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

I had a similar situation long time ago. Actually I have posted here before. My WP was from 15-09-2000 to 15-09-2003, but I arrived in the Netherlands at the end of Sep 2000. To fit to the date of the WP, my contract was also started from 15-09-2000, although I did not really work for the first half month. However, when I extended my residence permit in 2003, IND said that the three years uninterrupted WP has to count from when I was legally resident in the Netherlands, in this way I was lacking of WP from 15-09-2003 to 17-10-2003 (my first residence permit started from 17-10-2000, sounds like the date they received my application). So the personnel office applied a new WP for me. CWI thought a WP of one month is ridiculous, so they acctually gave me a WP until 17-10-2004 (which exceeds my contract for an AIO). The process of the new WP was quite fast, may be because the contract was still the same. And the new residence permit I received (due to the normal delay of IND, that was after 17-10-2003) said I don't need a WP to work on the back side.

So about the date, your P&O is correct.  They have to apply a new WP for you to cover the gap. Anyway, that was before the KM policy, they didn't have other choice.
xixiyang  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2007-9-26 22:49:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

Post by nutrewag;2586320
我是用work permit(wp)工作的博士,04年12月开始的工作合同和wp,05年2月拿到的为期三年的id,到期日是07年12月.




wp start from dec 2004, definitely.
The HR people in your university are idiot!!!!!!!!!

you can renew as WP, NOT km, everyone in our univ did like this
nutrewag  四海霸王  2007-9-27 09:57:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

所以想问问大家,有没有碰到过id开始时间比work permit的开始时间晚的?你们都是怎么搞定这个事情的?都要申请几个月的wp吗?
hoohow  中级海盗  2007-9-27 11:08:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

Post by nutrewag;2587471
所以想问问大家,有没有碰到过id开始时间比work permit的开始时间晚的?你们都是怎么搞定这个事情的?都要申请几个月的wp吗?

一般是看工作合同时间和wp时间是不是同时开始的, 和id无关。 如果合同时间晚了,就还需要续一下wp. 不过lz的问题是到达荷兰比合同开始晚,这个就不知道了。
nutrewag  四海霸王  2007-9-27 12:54:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

Post by hoohow;2587616
一般是看工作合同时间和wp时间是不是同时开始的, 和id无关。 如果合同时间晚了,就还需要续一下wp. 不过lz的问题是到达荷兰比合同开始晚,这个就不知道了。

但是ind的人说要看residence permit的开始时间。
naivekid  见习海盗  2007-10-5 13:27:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请问用work permit工作的博士们,work permit和ID时间差别的问题

After having a TWV for a consecutive period of 3 yrs, you will no longer need a TWV for any future employment. Details, check the CWI website.

This will only apply if you have evidence to support that you have, with this TWV, indeed (with physical presence) executed your function for 3 complete years. This means that you should have established yourself in the Netherlands for 3 years already, starting exactly from the starting date of your TWV and contract. This establishment can usually be evidenced by your residence permit per se, or your approval letter of residence permit, or your registration in Gemeente (GBA).

However, this is usually not the case for many new arrivals, check
http://www.expatica.com/actual/a ... &story_id=10118

If you cannot fulfill the "physical presence" principle, you will need an additional TWV to cover all the rest period for the 3 yr mark.
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