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Eindhoven的房屋中介信息 (by 钟爱洋葱)

Eindhoven的药店地址(by suneyeslee)



学生如何找合法兼职 (by saimun)

Eindhoven二手店大全 (by saimun)

Eindhoven的二手家具电器店 (by anytime)

出门旅游小tipsby suneyeslee

Philips的Internship工资(by sunlightbj)

房子的选择:student house还是space box?(by a84215)



E城便宜男士理发好去处-国际友人Mr. Smitsby yunziliu


如何从Eindhoven去杜塞机场(by zyzhangyi)

TU/e的Summer school信息

Eindhoven的Open Market

如何找家庭医生 (by suneyeslee)


Eindhoven新生手册草稿 (by yumen)

新生手册:穿和用部分初稿 (by mandyfervor)

中国荷兰留学新生生活和学习指南 (by dryland5235)

Living in Eindhoven ppt稿 (by mandyfervor)

海牙中国使馆换发护照攻略 (by mandyfervor)

有关TUE提供的笔记本电脑 (by sunlightbj)

eindhoven townhall 电话号码 (by donewell)

关于eindhoven飞机场 (by duanqiao)

Eindhoven的邮局在什么地方(by 乖乖熊)

EINDHOVEN的旧货市场在哪? (by sunlightbj)

肉店在哪里 (by yumen+我不是小胖雪鸡)

2007版新版领事保护指南 (by yumen)

照像或者洗相片 (by趴趴熊+alec+cyclone0417+jiling+钟爱洋葱)

Eindhoven公共图书馆地址 (by hryspa)


e城学生会情况 (by Peter2007)

2007年8月25日星期六e城迎新生逛街活动 (by Peter2007)

2007年8月底迎新生逛街总结 (by Peter2007)

Eindhoven学生会换届招新2008年1月 (by Peter2007)


Eindhoven篮球爱好者(招新)(by donewell)

足球队招新 (2hot)

游泳俱乐部(CSCE)(by mandyfervor)
(附: 游泳交流帖-心得+语录

eindhoven游泳问题(by spriter1 and 少校银星)

羽毛球俱乐部 (by Bjorn)


FONTYS同学会 (by 不做侬老公)

2007年8月來Fontys讀ICT的新生 (by saimun)


发布1 http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=255481
发布2 宣传海报 http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=257049
发布3 http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=257536
活动当天 照片 http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=259377
荷兰通为此次活动制作专辑之链接 http://www.gogodutch.com/showthread.php?t=262053

2008年8月23号 Eindhoven迎新活动小结
2008年8月23号 Eindhoven星期六迎新逛街活动 (英子,熙彩负责)

2008年5月28号 Eindhoven地震赈灾义演照片视频
2008年5月28号 Eindhoven学生会四川大地震赈灾义演集会 (李夏-斑竹哦,丁耘负责,中外友人反映相当热烈)

2008年5月 全荷总会篮球比赛,分会战绩报道 (稽凌负责)

2008年5月 Eindhoven学生会四川大地震募捐号召

2008年4月26号 Eindhoven学生会迎奥运组团赏花(郁金香花展中国主题)第三次发布
2008年4月 Eindhoven学生会迎奥运组团赏花(郁金香花展中国主题)第二次发布
2008年4月 Eindhoven学生会迎奥运组团赏花(郁金香花展中国主题)(熙彩,李璟,杨阳负责)第一次发布

2008年3月20号 Eindhoven学生会舞协西班牙舞蹈入门 (李璟负责)

2008年3月 全荷华人工程师协会主办,Eindhoven学生会协办 乒乓球比赛 (刘文弢负责)

2008年2月25号 Eindhoven学生会换届和组织介绍(含留学生登记表,回国证明下载链接)

2008年2月16号 喜迎奥运年全荷学生总会大型联欢表演 (Arnhem学生分会承办,Arnhem市音乐厅,使馆教育部的老师还有大使都参加了)

2008年2月13号 春晚电视录像TU/e礼堂放映 (于淼负责)

2008年2月5号 新春聚会联欢活动 (张奕,杨阳,杜元甲,李璟负责)
2008年2月5号 新春聚会联欢活动

2008年1月15号 新春salsa(萨尔萨)舞会 (英子,雪茹负责)

2007年9月29号 Eindhoven与Tilburg学生会中秋联欢活动 (张奕,李璟,李夏 负责)


1 [url=http://www.thomastransport.nl/]http://www.thomastransport.nl/[/url]

2 [url=www.adriaanseautoverhuur.nl]www.adriaanseautoverhuur.nl[/url]

[ 本帖最后由 suneyeslee 于 2010-2-5 18:37 编辑 ]
已有2人评分 威望 小红花 理由
qaaar3692580 + 1 毕业证+成绩单 学位认正 +微信/Q 841593416.
Lumix + 10 辛苦辛苦

查看全部评分 总评分: 威望 +10  小红花 +1 


donewell  中级海盗  2007-8-25 09:07:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

mandyfervor  ↗分区管理员↗  2007-8-25 09:24:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

sgy  中级海盗  2007-8-25 13:59:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

Hao tie ya
sinostream  中级海盗  2007-8-25 16:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

shuzi  中级海盗  2007-8-25 18:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

Peter2007  初上贼船  2007-8-25 21:36:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

alec  见习海盗  2007-8-25 23:07:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

spriter1  四海霸王  2007-8-26 11:07:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

Lz好幸福啊? 你们的健身卡,好像不对外开放,本来很想去办卡的。。。
sport cards

a sport card?what can do you with the sport card?where can you buy him/pick up?
paymentloss sport cardrabobankwhat need you for the purchase of a sport card?
A sport card?
To be able use the facilities and following the sport programme on and around the student sport centre you must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
The student sport centre can only enter to become on the vertoon of a valid sport card.
The sport card is strictly personal. At abuse the card will be taken.What can do you with the sport card?
With a sport card you can play all sports which to be offered in sport grating, participate to all cursussen, programme particular activities, internal competitions and use of all facilities of the student sport centre.. Moreover you can prove also of the remaining accommodations the student sport centre active are.
For further information on the programme particular activities we refer you by to the menu behind to log in sport card holder. Click here for further information on internal competitions.

StudentsComplete sport programmeEmployeesComplete sport programmearticulation projectComplete sport programmeTo commitComplete sport programmeWhere can you buy him/pick up?
The sport card must bought/be picked up on the student sport centre. Photograph and card are made direct!Payment
Payment is possible by means of accept giro form, cash or with pinpas at the gatekeeper of the student sport centre. The sport card is made on site on vertoning of the college card and certificate of registration and can (after paid to have) be taken along directly. Mentioned at electronic payment without accept giro form anyway your student number.
sport cards are not sent! Loss sport card
At loss/robber stable of the sport card, must buy you new. For this rejoinder € 2.50 it is charged.Rabobank
Students of the Fontys colleges end courts can the costs of a sport card on their account paid get if them a student account opens end courts at the Rabobank and on this their study financing let pay.
Click here to download the application form.What needs you for the purchase of a sport card?
TU/eStudentsA valid college card and certificate of registration for the concerning year.AIOValid legitimation and Aio-Contract.PostdocValid legitimation and Postdoc contract.EmployeesValid legitimation and a copy of a recent salary counterfoil of the TU/e.Graduates1 year graduates, valid legitimation and (copy) a diploma.Partner studentValid legitimation, cohabitation agreement or proof of common bank account.
The student must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
Partner employeeValid legitimation, cohabitation agreement or proof of common bank account.
The employee must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
to priceComplete year€ 65, -As from 1 January€ 58, -As from 1 May€ 25, -
Fontys and design AcademyStudentsA valid college card and certificate of registration for the concerning year.EmployeesValid legitimation and a copy of a recent salary counterfoil of the Fontys.Graduates1 year graduates, valid legitimation and (copy) a diploma.Partner studentValid legitimation, cohabitation agreement or proof of common bank account.
The student must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
Partner employeeValid legitimation, cohabitation agreement or proof of common bank account.
The employee must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
to priceComplete year€ 72, -As from 1 January€ 65, -As from 1 May€ 25, -
Other universities (in - and outside the Netherlands)StudentsA valid college card and certificate of registration for the concerning year.Partner studentValid legitimation, cohabitation agreement or proof of common bank account.
The student must be in the possession of a valid sport card.
to priceComplete year€ 65, -As from 1 January€ 58, -As from 1 May€ 25, -
Foreign studentsOnly foreign students, within the Erasmusproject, are entitled to this card. Want them a card for longer time, then must them a card for the whole college year buy. These foreign students can buy a sport card per month up to maximum of 5 months.
They must bring with studentenpas and thereby a letter of the Erasmusproject in which has been indicated for which period he/they in end courts stays. to price1 month € 15, -2 months € 25, -3 months€ 34, -4 months€ 42, -5 months€ 50, -
articulation projects – students Higher General Secondary Education 5 and VWO 6Students of 6 those can show Higher General Secondary Education 5 and VWO that he/she is bachelor, can for free a sport card buy within the framework of the articulation project. They can take part in the complete sport programme to participate.
The student must a letter of the concerning school and take along the schoolpas.

RemainingStudents of other colleges are not entitled to a sport card;
For further information and conditions you get help at the counter of the student sport centre or wheel an e-mail to:mto('vfllqirCwxh1qo'); [EMAIL="sciinfo@tue.nl"]sciinfo@tue.nl[/EMAIL]

To commitThere are two subcategorieën:

  • Staff of TNO, the Kennispoort, chamber of commerce and the Rabobank end courts.
    To cost: € 200, -.
  • Staff of companies or institutions on the TU/e campus.
    To cost: € 65, -

    AccTec LTDEurandomAmersham/GE HealthcareEUTechpark LTDASIP INC. USASHemoLab LTDAvantium LTDMultimedia pavilionCalibre LTDPolymer Technology Group end courts N.VCallipso LTDStudijob employment agency LTDCebra LTDSuprapolix LTDCompact Power Systems LTDSyMo-Chem LTDDelta pavilionTias LTDEuflex LTDTM/cc LTDEuforce LTD
mandyfervor  ↗分区管理员↗  2007-8-27 14:24:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Eindhoven版块精华汇总帖

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