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l&t  高级海盗  2007-8-19 23:31:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

Post by 吓猴蹲;2490155
l&t  高级海盗  2007-8-19 23:35:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

[quote=march;2490288]去google一下什么叫申根![/quo申根的问题我当然清楚,虽然捷克还不是申根国,但是也有很多人(包括导游)直接用ID去了.现在主要是有个朋友只有RETURN VISA,所以不知道行不行,原则上来说应该是不行的~~~~~
吓猴蹲  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2007-8-19 23:37:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

Post by l&t;2495625

吓猴蹲  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2007-8-19 23:40:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

General Information

Visa Information

Since May 1, 2004, the Czech Republic became a member of the EU. Please note that it did NOT become the member of the Schengen area yet - that is supposed to happen later on, probably in 2007. In this respect, after May 1, 2004 it is possible FOR DUTCH OR OTHER EU CITIZENS to travel only with an ID card, no passport will be necessary to travel to the Czech Republic. The validity of the passport or ID is not limited (which means their holders can travel with it when it is valid).

Valid passport or a valid ID card (for EU citizens) is necessary for entry to the Czech Republic. Children of age over 15 years (since their 15th birthday!) must have their own pasport. Children under 15 can be listed in the passport of parents.

Holders of the Dutch Passport (red colour) don´t need any visa to travel or stay in the Czech Republic after May 1, 2004. However, holders of the Dutch Aliens Passport (green colour) do need visa. Holder of a Travel Document based on Convention of July, 28, 1951, issued in the Netherlands (grey colour, two black stripes in the upper left corner) do not need visa.
Third country citizens who hold a valid residence permit of the Netherlands or other Schengen state can travel to the Czech Republic without a Czech visa for a maximum number of 5 days if they transit to another country. They have to present their passport, valid for at least another 3 months after they leave the Czech Republic, and a valid residence card (for Regulier Bepaalde Tijd, Regulier onbepaalde tijd, Asiel bepaalde tijd, Asiel onbepaalde tijd, Geprivilegeerdendocument) in the passport at the border or the return visa (visum voor terugkeer).
If you do not transit, you need to apply for visa. Also for a stay longer than 5 days it is necessary to apply for a visa.
Family members of EU citizens (on condition they are holders of permanent residence card for family members of EU citizens) can stay on the territory of the Czech Republic without a visa if their stay does not exceed 90 days.
Since 1 September, 2006, it is possible for third country citizens - holders of (either of the documents below)
a) valid Schengen visa (B or C - see below) - with a territorial validity for whole Schengen
b) valid B or C visa issued by a new EU member state (acceded to the EU in 2004)
c) valid long-term visa (D type) issued by an EU member state, Island and Norway
to stay on the territory of the Czech Republic without a Czech visa for a maximum number of 5 days IF they TRANSIT via the Czech Republic to another country.
Please note that the above written does NOT apply for third country citizens residing in the UK and Ireland!
Depending on the type of visa, this information is divided into the following sections:

  • Airport visa A
  • Transit visa B
  • Visa for stay up to 90 days C
  • Visa for stay longer than 90 days D
Note that: The visa application form can be printed from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.mzv.cz/visaform and used for application purposes. It is also possible to obtain the form at the consular department of the embassy. For children listed in the passport of one of their parents it is necessary to fill in the application form each as well and submit a photo.

Please, fill in the information about your wife/husband and children in the form even though they are NOT travelling with your to the Czech Republic!

Please note that all visitors entering the Czech Republic may be requested by the Czech Immigration officer at border crossing point to prove sufficient funding of their stay and to present either at least 1 010,- Czech Crowns (CZK) per day for a stay up to 30 days or at least 30 300,- CZK per one month of stay in the Czech Republic. The minimum amount of money for visitors younger than 18 years is stipulated as a half of the aforesaid amounts. The amount of money required can be presented either in Czech Crowns or in other convertible currencies. The visitors may submit a valid credit card. (1 EURO = aprox. 28,-CZK). Instead of the above mentioned amounts the visitors may submit:
- an invitation verified by the Czech Immigration Police or
- a document confirming that a visitor is participating in a tour or
- a document confirming that a visitor has prepaid all expenses for the stay and departure from the Czech Republic (voucher of a travel agency or spa, international credit card, round-trip ticket - original of a faxed copy). Documents printed from the internet (confirmation of a flight, hotel etc.) will NOT be accepted!!!

Confirmation of health/medical insurance could be also asked by the Immigration Police according to the valid legislation.

The above mentioned requirements are requested by the Czech Immigration Police by exception rather than on a regular basis.
Instruction for the Applicant for Visa

The proceedings for the granting of Visa are regulated by the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic.

In accordance with Section 51 paragraph 2 of the quoted Act, there is no statutory right for the granting of visa. The possible decision on not granting a Visa is a final one and is excluded from a judicial review.

Every applicant, to whom a Visa was not granted, has the right to be informed orally about the reasons for not granting a Visa, in the extent set by the provisions of the Section 56 of the quoted Act. Based on an explicit request, our Diplomatic Mission will communicate the reasons for not granting a Visa in the written form.

After receiving a decision on not granting a visa, the applicant has, at any time, the right to present a new application, which has to be accompanied by required documents. He or she can do so immediately after the preceding application was rejected.

Personal data of the applicant, stated in his or her application, is, in accordance with the Act No 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data and amendment to other acts (in the valid wording), provided only to the relevant authorities of the Czech Republic and is designated for the decision on the granting or not granting of a Visa.

Same instruction for the Applicant for a Visa in the Czech language:
Poučení pro žadatele o vízum:
Řízení o udělení víza je upraveno zákonem č. 326/1999 Sb., o pobytu cizinců na území České republiky a o změně některých zákonů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
Na udělení víza není dle § 51 odstavec 2 citovaného zákona právní nárok. Případné rozhodnutí o neudělení víza je konečné a není možné proti němu podat odvolání.
Každý žadatel, kterému vízum nebylo uděleno, má právo být ústně informován o důvodech neudělení víza v rozsahu ustanovení § 56 citovaného zákona. Na výslovnou žádost sdělí náš zastupitelský úřad důvody neudělení víza i písemně.
Po rozhodnutí o neudělení víza má žadatel právo kdykoliv podat novou žádost, která musí být doložena požadovanými doklady. Může tak učinit i bezprostředně po zamítnutí předchozí žádosti.
Osobní údaje žadatele uvedené v jeho žádosti jsou v souladu se zákonem č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů a změně některých zákonů, v platném znění, poskytovány výlučně příslušným orgánům České republiky a jsou určeny k přijetí rozhodnutí o udělení či neudělení víza.

Important Notice
In accordance with present-day legal regulations of the Czech Republic, which relate to admninistrative charges, a visa fee is charged at the time the application for a Czech visa is submitted. The fee will not be refunded in the case that the visa is not granted.
wangyuan1583  四海霸王  2007-8-21 18:23:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河北保定

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

Post by march;2490288


sunlightbj    2007-8-21 19:57:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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吓猴蹲  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2007-8-21 21:08:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 去布拉格需要签证吗?--在线等

Post by sunlightbj;2500377

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