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A lot of stuffs for sale...I lived in the "west south of enidhoven".I visited Delft almost every weekend.Please make an appointment and pick the stuffs up.You can send me mail and ask for photos if you interests in.(Sorry,I didn't know how to put photos in gogodutch....).Some of the stuffs can only be pick up till end of May.

1. Desktop: LG 19' LCD(FLATRON, L1950SQ) + Computer:CPU:Pentium 4, 1.8 GHz, HD:40 G,RAM:768 MB.CD+-RW (Traxdata):24x10x40 => 300 euros

2. A big black comfortable computer chair bought in IKEA=>25 euros [reserved!]

3. A good quality speaker:10 euros.

4. A 2nd hand Honda_sccopy scotter:250 euros (I will give you the hemlet and raincoat), [sold!!]

5.A big sofa: big enough for one person for sleep.=> 30 euros

5.Desk lamp (the price in IKEA is ~ 20 euros):10 euros

6.TEFAL Ironer (100% new):12 euros

7. Phillips DVD player(100% new):30 euros

8. 2 Lumps in the room from IKEA: each is 5 euros.[one is reserved!]

9. Phillips Coffee machine => 10 euros [reserved!]

10. two small desks: each is 5 euros.

11. A bookshelf  with 5 layers in dark wood color:10 euros.

12. A shoes shelf (can be taken part): 10 euros

13. Several classical physics,optics, and other books for sale:

13.1 Classical Electrodynamics 3th Edition,John David Jackson (100 % new): 40 euros

13.2 Quantum Electronics, 3th edition,Amnon Yariv (60% new):40 euros

13.3 Nonlinear dynamics and Chaos:With applications to physics,Biology,Chemistry,and Engineering, Steven H. Strogatz (70 % new):40 euros

13.4. Introduction to Electrodynamics,3th edition,David J. Griffiths (100% new):40 euros

13.5 Optics,international edition,4th edition,Hecht.(some pages were with coffee spots): 25 euros.

13.6 Teach Yourself C++,3th edition, Herbert Schildt (90% new):5 euros

13.7 Teach Yourself Unix System Administration in 24 hours(95% new):5 euros

More stuffs will come up later.Please send me mail to ask photos if you have interests.My e-mail is :chiungtze@hotmail.com


pushi  ↗贵宾↗  2007-4-27 09:38:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Books and a lot of stuffs for sale.....

Ding Ding!
Good luck  四海霸王  2007-4-30 18:56:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Books and a lot of stuffs for sale.....

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