Post by 夕照小昭
[quote=newcomer10]1. can you really see anything wrong on the main board, especially the chips?
2. is it a possible that your AGP isn't working correctly, or not well pluged?
3. does you pc speaker inside the case correctly connected to the motherboard. if no, it might not give proper error sound while booting.
4. does the power go on for the other components?
5. if it's really the mainboard problem, you can buy one with socket 478, I dont think it would be too hard.
6. where are you, which city, btw?
good luck!
开机以后,电源、CQU和显卡的风扇都是正常转动的,没有异声,就是显示器显示无连接;键盘的num lock在刚开机时是亮的,过一会就会出现控制失灵的状况,再过一会就按不亮了。
请问如果我新买一个478针的主板,能确保与其他配件兼容吗?我的cpu是P4 2.8G的, 显卡是Geforce FX 5900 128M。
我在delft。 再次感谢~~~~~[/quote]
Post by newcomer10
Ok, delft, it's pretty far for me. but I definitely think you could get a lot of people over there to help you through. I was in delft before as well.
about the computer, I reallly couldn't tell. (so the pc-speaker is correctly connected but still didn't report any errors. ). it could be as serious as you described but maybe you should check out more about the components. put the agp in other people's computer and try it out. and if possible you should try more component on other computers.
i really dont think socket 478 is too old. you should be able to find a lot of these stuff around. a number of northwood and prescott processors use the type of socket.
if you decided to buy another motherboard, the compatibility shouldn't be a problem if you are using prescott architecture (hyper-threading technology), you should get a motherboard support HT. since your original motherboard is p4p800, the fsb can be 800 MHz, so just get one ok for that. as for the graphic card support, I think as long as the motherboard providing support to AGP8x, it's fine.
I dont think the other things could a problem, of course if your harddrive is SATA, you might have to check that out as well.
if you have pc3200, dont forget to check out the support for ddr-400 (dual channel maybe?)
anyway, i think you just have to check out these stuff:
1. HT(prescott) support
2. FSB speed, >= 800MHz (I dont know how much you really need, but 800 is the same as your original one)
3. AGP8x
4. (dual-channel) ddr-400, if you have them
5. S-ATA support if applicable
btw, intel chipset isn't the only choice, you should check out VIA as well.
i think as long as it support these stuff, the motherboard should be fine for the usage. get some people in computer eng. or micro-electronics to help you out. I'm too far in amsterdam cannot be around.
good luck with everything.
其中很多术语不懂,我对电脑也只是知道点点皮毛,拆机经验又不多,不知道有哪位高人能帮帮我吗? |