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http://www.tilburguniversity.nl/ ... rogrammes/graduate/
MPHIL:master of philosophy, but may has nothing to do with Philosophy. 二年制研究性硕士,为想做博士的人或想做研究方面的人准备的。录取要求比正常硕士高。申请当然谁都可能申请,能不能录取就看你强不强了。条件如下:
The admission requirements are a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (psychology, sociology, organisational sciences, human resource, leisure studies); an average score of 7.5 for the courses in the second- and third-year bachelor’s programme or equivalent; sufficient knowledge of the English language; sufficient talent for and affinity with doing scientific research; and supportive evidence of a suitable attitude and motivation for the successful completion of the programme. |