the content of the programme is changing through time.
Basic course like 'Measure theoretic Probability" "Stochastic Integration" and "Stochastic Process for Finance" should not be missed. Easy and nice course like "introduction to stochastic process" and "industrial statistics" are also worth taking. "Financial Stochastics" by van der Vaart is good but difficult, you may judge according to your level.
Be aware that there are quite some genetic statistics course in the program. Try to skip them if you do not want to go that area.
There used to be no financial course at all, but seems VU will start some this year. So you need to do that part yourself.
There's no programming part either. You got to do it yourself if you want to work in this area in the future.
In general, it's not advisable to take this programme unless you are really good in mathematics (Don't underestimate its mathematical level. It is not easier than pure mathematics.) |