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What type of taxes do companies to pay in Netherlands:Corperate Income taxDividend taxVAT tax Wage tax公司在荷蘭繳納哪些類型的稅:所得稅股息稅增值稅工資稅What is Corporate Income tax, when do you pay it? Corporate income tax is paid on the profit of the operation.You pay it once per year.什麼是企業所得稅,您何時繳納?企業所得稅按經營利潤繳納。您每年支付一次。What is VAT tax?when do you pay it? VAT is the value added tax, we call sales tax, is the value add from your sold services or products.Need to be filled once per quater or every month( based on the requirement if you have high value of the products you sale)什麼是增值稅?什麼時候繳納?增值稅是增值稅,我們稱為銷售稅,是您銷售的服務或產品的附加值。需要每季度或每月填充一次(如果您銷售的產品價值很高,則根據要求)What is Wage Tax, when do you apply Wage Tax?Either you have people work for you.Either you have shares for more than 5%, and you hire yourself.You need to pay the salary, Wage tax filled monthly.什麼是工資稅,什麼時候申請工資稅?要么你有人為你工作。要么你擁有超過 5% 的股份,然後你僱傭自己。您需要支付工資,每月填寫工資稅。What is dividends Tax, when do you apply dividends Tax?The distribution of dividends, up decided by the shareholder meetings, tax is applied on the value of distributed dividends.Taxes are only paid when the dividends is given. 什麼是股息稅,什麼時候適用股息稅?股息的分配由股東大會決定,對分配的股息價值徵稅。只有在分紅時才需要繳稅。
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