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等飞机中顺便发个贴。Avans Den Bosch非常烂,当地人中名声也不好。08年毕业时管理已经相当混乱,荷兰当地人说说除了法律和计算机还凑合其他都挺差,这几年将其和Fontys 做比较。虽然便宜(荷兰生1000左右每年)最好别选,我在那上学时实习是本来可以各国实习突然变成只能在荷兰又完全不通知,毕业时导师连答辩时间长度都搞错评论链接发不了:

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带我参加一个说多语言者polyglot聚会的荷兰小哥在荷兰外呆了好久后不听朋友建议回老家上的Avans, 说他当时想"能有多差呢?”,然后上了4周就不再去了,太晚了无法转浪费了半年。当年我回宿舍查信件时也碰到一个无锡的也是上了4周就买机票回家了。

最惨的一个从南非回荷兰的Boer小哥已经在归化回荷兰国籍过程中,在修学旅行时在加州Oracle拿到暑假工作,后来老板要给他正式实习和工作(90k左右税后)需要学校发一封3行字的信。3个月信都没发,后来宽限成电邮就行,还是3个月都没发最后旅游签证到期只能回荷兰90k工作就没了。小哥很厉害说不定把未来的Elon musk得罪了 LinkedIn 上随便找个有该校经历的问问就行怨声载道。17还是18年碰到一个荷兰同学,喝啤酒时他吐露在Avans学习的经历简历中故意隐藏掉了。


Rixn  初上贼船  2021-6-19 13:11:52 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 欧盟
Rixn  初上贼船  2021-6-19 13:02:45 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 欧盟
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Rixn  初上贼船  2021-6-19 13:25:42 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 欧盟

Nice building, grossly mismanaged organization. In short some of my Dutch acquaintances told me they are hiding Avans Den Bosch from their resumes because of its reputation, this should be enough info for everyone. Its administration has been committing the same mistakes from more than a decade ago, and wonders "what happened?" when students complain.

I attended it for 2 years (one of which company internships) without doing sufficient prepior research, and I only have myself to blame. Before attending it, the admission office refused to let me interview its alumni, should have been a glaring red flag.

An intern we just interviewed today is actually from a town nearby. She rolled her eyes immediately when she talked about this school. I hope Avans didn't develop some kind of local reputation over the years, bad reputation is the death knell of all enterprises.

Pros: nice staff overall (very good librarian) , convenient location, relatively low tuition.
It was a nice surprise when the Dutch government delta scholarship refunded me my first year tuition fee.

Cons: miscommunication, some incompetent teachers who are next to impossible to fire.

Facts, chronologically:
1. During my first year, there were 8 students from Germany who intended to study IBL there for 4 full years, they were all gone after their first semester. Should have taken the hint.

2. After I failed my first internship in Germany due to my poor German, I informed my teachers that I was to apply for international internships. I attained b1 level fluency after some intensive training,  and went back to Avans with 9 offers from Spanish companies (2 with good pay, one excellent offer from a robot company), I was informed this time however the university could no longer permit internships outside of the Netherlands as a part of IBL study.

3. I was told by my "tutor" that I was to give a 15 minute presentation for my graduation paper. It turned out the time limit was 5 minutes. (better than other way around ;) I still passed thank god!

4. One week before my graduation, I received an email from Avans stating I was eligible for another scholarship -  another full year tuition refund, and they kindly invited me to attend a ceremony in Breda. However, 2 days before said ceremony, I received another email saying there was an accounting error, there's no scholarship. I was not even surprised at that point.
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