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我是在格大的官网看到的,跳转的政府网站上也有。只针对第一年的本科生。可惜我没法发链接,大家google下tuition fees halved或halving tuition fees+Government of the Netherlands

You pay half of the statutory tuition fee for your first year if:
you are entering Dutch higher education (university and university of applied sciences) for the first time in or after the 2018/2019 academic year;
you are enrolled in a bachelor's or associate degree programme;
the statutory fee applies to you. This means you are a full-time, part-time or dual-course student at a public-funded Dutch higher education institution. Including students at, for example, the Open University and university colleges.

You must pay the full tuition fee if you:
were enrolled in a Dutch higher education institution before the 2018/2019 academic year;
are taking a master's degree programme;
are paying the non-statutory fee set by your higher education institution;
are enrolled in a privately-funded higher education insitution;
are participating in the demand-driven funding experiment (experiment vraag financiering).

Students who meet the conditions only need to pay half of the statutory tuition fee for their first year of higher education.

Conditions for reduced tuition fee in first year

You pay half of the statutory tuition fee in your first year if you meet all of the following conditions:
you are starting a course at a public-funded university or other public-funded higher education institution for the first time;
your course is a bachelor’s degree or associate degree programme;
the statutory fee applies to you. This means you are a full-time or part-time student at a Dutch public-funded higher education institution, including the Open University or a university college, or you are combining higher education with a work placement.
As of the 2020/2021 academic year, the 50% reduced fee may no longer apply to first-year students in courses considered ‘small-scale and intensive’, like certain courses at university colleges or in higher professional education (HBO). For these courses, the government wants to limit the tuition fee reduction to €1,043 per student.

Some students still pay the full tuition fee
You are not eligible for reduced tuition fees if you:
were enrolled in a Dutch higher education institution before the 2018/2019 academic year; or
are doing a master’s course; or
are paying the non-statutory fee set by your higher education institution; or
are enrolled in a privately funded higher education institution; or
are participating in the demand-driven funding experiment.


-hiMitty  见习海盗  2020-7-5 21:21:49 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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