本帖最后由 松狮犬 于 2018-12-21 19:58 编辑
家里要全面装修,考虑实施各种环保节能措施,包括主流的太阳能板,双层玻璃,墙和屋顶的隔热。 这些项目市政府和国家政府都有一些补助。海牙市政府有个专门的免费咨询门面(hou van je huis pop up store,https://www.denhaag.nl/nl/in-de-stad/wonen-en-bouwen/hou-van-je-huis/advies-van-hou-van-je-huis-.htm )可以直接走进去了解下 . 地址在海牙市中心 Fluwelen Burgwal 54。一个很nice的哥们 ruben roos 给我们一些详细资料,趁新鲜跟大家分享。 如果有住在海牙,又有计划提高能源等级的人,正好可以参考。我的房子是一个1974年建造的联排别墅,他给了相应的一些建议:
Insulation: 墙和屋顶的隔热 - Insulation of walls, two options: (1) On the inside by adding another wall in dutch: voorzetwand), or (2) by filling the space between the outside and inside wall (in dutch: spouwmuur). This option only applies if your house was constructed in this way. - Insulation of roof - Insulation of the ground floor
2018年海牙市政府有补助。海牙市政府的节能项目补助信息:-The city of The Hague currently subsidizes the installation of insulation on roofs and the ground floor of houses and apartments. The subsidies of the city are granted after installation, only when performed according to the instructions (please see ‘instructieblad’ or ask your contractors to perform the insulation according to the instructions of the ‘Instructieblad’. As discussed, the current plan is in place until 31st of December 2018. We are expecting the plan to be prolonged, however we are not sure. Therefore, I advise you to keep checking of the plan has been prolonged. If so: then you can apply for the subsidies afterwards. In the current plan, invoices should not be older than 4 months. Please find all further details at the following website, unfortunately, not available in English: https://www.denhaag.nl/nl/subsidies/subsidies-wonen-en-bouwen/subsidie-dak-en-vloerisolatie-2016-2018-aanvragen.htm
Ventilation/ Heat recovery ventilation/Heat pump 新风系统和热循环再利用系统设备 - 购买设备有资金补助,最高几乎返还50% - Installing a central ventilation system (in dutch: central ventilatiesysteem) - Installing a heat recovery ventilation system (in dutch: Warmte terugwinsysteem), this solution is quite similar to a central ventilation system. In addition, the fresh air that comes into the house is first being warmed by means of a heat exchanger. - Installing a (hybrid) heat pump: a heat pump generates warmth and depending on the type of heat pump it can replace the current central heating system (CV) which runs on gas. We have also discussed the option of installing a hybrid heat pump. This type of heat pump works together with the currently installed central heating device. Only if the temperature outside is really low, the gas cv will kick in. -In addition, the Dutch Government subsidizes the installation of energy saving devices. The name of this plan is: ISDE. For example, you can use ISDE when purchasing a heat pump. More information regarding ISDE: https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/investeringssubsidie-duurzame-energie-isde/isde-aanvragen/isde-particulieren
Solar panels 太阳能板 目前荷兰政府只是退购买太阳能板的消费税vat。如果家里房子是城市保护景观,还要申请许可 (通过omgevingloket.nl)。如果家里用电不多,产出多余的电可以重新卖给电网,是不是很赞?!
Subsidies/loans 贷款 如果要装双层玻璃,就没有补助了。这样可以考虑贷款svn银行可以申请到利息为1.6%, 十年十五年的贷款,最高25000欧。 -You can get a loan at SVn for the installation of environmental friendly solutions, such as double glazing. The interest rate is low, for both 10 and 15 years. Please find further details at the following website: https://www.svn.nl/particulieren/lening/duurzaamheidslening#/formulier/Leencheck%20Duurzaamheidslening/pag/1
Woonwijzerwinkel:估价和施工队的建议 这个商店/咨询处可以找推荐的施工队和报价,海牙也有分店哦。 Please contact Woonwijzerwinkel to get an appointment to discuss all of the above mentioned options. Website contact details: https://www.woonwijzerwinkel.nl/contact/ As discussed, you can also get an appointment in The Hague at Fridays at the store located at Goudsbloemlaan 82.