本帖最后由 美女小编 于 2018-10-22 16:22 编辑
活动流程: 15:30 -- 16:00 嘉宾入场 16:00 -- 16:10 开幕致辞,everiToken团队及嘉宾介绍 16:10 -- 17:00 漫谈everiToken与通证经济 17:00 -- 17:30 业界大咖座谈会 17:30 -- 18:00 自由问答环节 18:00 -- 19:30 酒会&自由交流
BRADY LUO 罗骁 Brady Luo, everiToken CEO/Co-Founder, a true believer of the token economy, engineering graduate from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Electrical, finance graduate from Brandeis University, studied blockchain at Said Business School of University of Oxford, previously was employed at New York Oppenheimer Funds alternative asset investment (CDO – Based asset securitization) and Japan’s largest financial group, MITSUBISHI UFJ securities (Tokyo headquarters and Shanghai).
CO-FOUNDER & CHIEF SCIENTIST HENGJIN CAI 蔡恒进 Dr. HenjingCai is a professor and PhD advisor in the School of Computer Science at Wuhan University (since 2005). He is an expert-in-residence at the Global FinTech Lab, a visiting researcher at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Science, and an expert committee member of the China AI and Big Data Committee of 100. Professor Cai is currently engaged in service science, AI, and blockchain technologies.
蔡恒进博士,自2005年起担任武汉大学计算机系的教授及博士生导师,Global FinTech Lab是驻地专家,中科院深圳先进技术研究院的访问学者,中国AI及大数据100核心委员会成员。蔡教授目前正在投入服务科技、AI及区块链技术的研究。
CO-FOUNDER & COO BOZHEN CHEN 陈柏臻 Bozhen has rich experience in government project operations, and specializes in communications and public relations.
CO-FOUNDER & CPO CEEJI CHENG 程希冀 Ceeji is a full-stack developer and experienced system architect with more than 10 years of software development experience, and rich entrepreneurship and management experience. He was the first-prize winner of the National Informatics Olympiad, and previously worked at his own start-up (as CTO and co-founder).
CO-FOUNDER & CTO HARRY WANG 王昊 Harry Wang, CTO, one of the top contributors for EOS, an experienced system development engineer with more than 10 years of system development experience. He previously worked in Tianfeng Securities in Shanghai, then participated in a private placement as a technical partner, and was responsible for quantitative trading system development.
iCoinic focuses on Crypto Currencies and their underlying technologies. With the experience Arthur gained during his education and while setting up businesses, he is combining the best practices and IT skills and applying those to the blockchain world, in a way that can make a real difference in this new and exciting market.
iCoinic专注于加密货币及其基础技术。 凭借Arthur在教育期间以及在开展业务时获得的经验,他将最佳实践和IT技能相结合,并将其应用于区块链世界,从而在这个令人兴奋的新市场中发挥真正的作用。
Independent trader in derivatives at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange for 9 years. Started investing in blockchain projects in 2017 and cofounded Icoinic Investment fund together with a young team of professionals in early 2018.
阿姆斯特丹证券交易所衍生品独立交易员,在职9年。2017年开始投资区块链项目,并于2018年初与一支年轻的专业团队共同创办了Icoinic 投资基金。
Fenbushi Capital the first and the most high-profile VC firm in China, exclusively invests in Blockchain-enabled companies. Until Jan 2018 VitalikButerin had been one of the general partners of the firm. Currently he remains as an advisor.
Fenbushi Capital:中国第一家也是最知名的区块链风险投资公司,专门投资于区块链行业。直到2018年1月,VitalikButerin一直是该公司的普通合伙人之一。目前,他仍然是该公司的顾问。
谷家衛 Taniya Mamoru No.1 fin-tech and crypto investor in Japan. 日本第一大技术和加密投资者。
元道先生 Shen Chen the founder of NASDAQ-listed 21Vianet Group (the largest carrier-neutral Internet and data center service provider in China), one of the earliest blockchain promoters and one of the most famous crypto influencers in China. 21Vianet Group公司的创始人,已在纳斯达克上市 (中国最大的运营商中立的互联网和数据中心服务提供商), 最早的区块链推动者之一,通证经济学派领袖人物,也是中国最具影响力的加密货币行业先锋。
Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce
阿姆斯特丹希尔顿酒店 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 4 Oosterdoksstraat 1011 DK Amsterdam