好想请问大家,收到格大预科offer是否能argue成直接录取呢?该怎么做?我也不知道问谁,自己申请也是diy的,收到预科原因如下:Please be informed that your application for admission to the 2017/2018 year of the Master of Science (MSc) programme has been evaluated by the Board of Admissions and your current academic background from Jiangxi Agricultural, GMAT score report of 570 and your university currently not being listed as a ‘Project 211 university’, only permits admission to the pre-MSc programme of your chosen Master. 可是我看好多案例不是211也申请到了offer,所以我问官方是因为gmat没上600吗?官方回复我如果我上了600,由于我的课程不匹配,我就会直接得到拒绝的结果。原因又变成了课程不匹配,到底是什么原因被拒呢?同专业申请怎么会专业不匹配吗?难道是我diy的课程描述太水?求支招!谢谢大家!