文 | 欧小主
随着中国影响力的增强,春节在海外越来越被受到关注。除了各个国家华人组织的舞龙舞狮庆春活动等,老外们也越来越多的参与到春节庆祝中。他们不会舞龙舞狮,而选择用他们最喜欢的方式来庆祝:pub quiz 酒吧知识竞赛。目前各大西方媒体如BBC、MSN等都已经发布了2017年关于中国新年的最新知识竞赛题集。小主这里搜集整理一些给大家看看。
先来了解下欧美文化中必不可少的元素:pub quiz。 Pub Quiz Pub quiz 酒吧知识竞赛,顾名思义,就是发生在酒吧中的知识竞赛。这些活动同时也会被称为知识竞赛之夜。Pub quiz可以用来在闲时吸引更多顾客。不同的pub quiz可以有不同的形式和主题,但是内容和规则大致差不多。最早的pub quiz 源自70年代的英国,并且慢慢发展成英国的主流文化之一。The Great British Pub Quiz 挑战赛是英国的一个年度赛事。
1. What's the legend behind using firecrackers to celebrate Chinese New Year?
- They are meant to scare away monsters;
- They wake up the gods in time for the celebration; - They provide light for the dark winter night.
译:放鞭炮来庆祝春节背后的传说是什么? -爆竹用来吓走怪兽 -及时把神仙叫醒来一起庆祝新年 -为了给寒冬的夜晚提供光亮 (欧洲人以为我们中国的冬天都跟你们的一样乌漆麻黑吗?)
2. According to Chinese custom, on New Year's Day you shouldn't... - Eat anything; - Leave home; - Sweep the house.
译:根据中国习俗,新年当日你不可以... -吃饭; -出门; -打扫卫生。 (第一个答案让我想到了伊斯兰的斋月。。。)
3. What color symbolizes fire, which according to legend, can drive away bad luck and evil spirits? - Red;
- White; - Black.
译:根据传说,哪一种颜色象征火可以驱邪避鬼? -红色; -白色; -黑色。
4. According to tradition, who do families visit on the first day of Chinese New Year? - Oldest family members; - Youngest family members; - Extended family member;
- Friends.
译:根据传统,新年时要去走访哪类亲戚? -老人家; -年轻人; -远亲; -朋友。 (为什么是单选题?老外要是知道这些礼仪:新年不只一天,大年初一拜乡邻,大年初二回娘家,初三初四见平辈,会不会吊炸天?)
5. What fruit should you take with you when visiting during the New Year celebrations? - Pineable;
- Tangarines; - Star fruit;
- Papaya.
译:过年时,你要带着什么水果去走亲访友? -菠萝; -橘子; -杨桃; -木瓜。 (这个我当时真懵了,过年走亲访友都是带红包,没听过带水果。。。知道答案的都不是中国人)
6. Chinese New Year's celebrations traditionally start at the beginning of the month and end on what day?
- 15th - 8th - 25th
译:中国新年是当月第一天开始,那哪一天结束呢? (这话问的,一般初八就开始上班,整个正月里都算过年呢。怪不得圣诞假期结束后,我见人就问好Merry Christmas时,荷兰人一个个很困惑。。。)
7. During Chinese New Year celebrations, what do Chinese people often paint with birds, animals, flowers, zodiac signs, hang in temples, and carry to an evening parade under the light of the full moon?
- Bamboo sticks
- Baskets
- Masks
- Lanterns
译:中国年期间,中国人一般会在什么上面画下花鸟鱼虫类的,并挂在庙里或者月圆时拎到街上去游行? -竹棍 -篮子 -面具 -灯笼 (现在还有人送灯去庙里或者拎街上吗?)
8. What is typically made of silk, paper, and bamboo, and is the highlight of the traditional lantern festival? - Floats - Lanterns
- A dragon
- Fans
译:什么东西由丝绸、纸和竹子制成并且是元宵节的一大亮点? -花车 -灯笼 -龙 -扇子
9. Which of these animals is not one of the twelve in the Chinese calendar? - Snake - Cat - Monkey - Pig
译:以下哪个动物不是十二生肖之一? -蛇 -猫 -猴 -猪 (让老外一下子记住十二种动物真不容易。。。)
10. Which of the following is not a trait of the rat? - Charming - Practical - Patient - Hardworking
译:下面哪一个不是耗子的特点? -迷人 -务实 -耐心 -勤奋 (这个跟春节有关吗?)
11. The Chinese New Year doesn’t start on the same day every year? True False
译:春节每年都不是同一天开始,对吗? -对 -错 (回答对的都不是中国人。每年都是农历1月1号好不好,啥时候变过?)
12. The Chinese New Year is also known as the ______ festival. - Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter
译:中国年也被称作__节。 -春 -夏 -秋 -冬 (目测很多老外都选冬,因为1月份明明还是冬天!)
13. The Chinese Zodiac comprises how many animals? - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16
译:中国生肖包括几只动物? -10 -12 -14 -16
14. According to the Chinese calendar, 2017 is the year of the… Dragon Monkey Rooster Rat
译:根据中国年表,2017是什么年? -龙 -猴 -鸡 -鼠 (记住了,鸡年是Rooster,不是Cock,不要闹笑话!!!)
15. The lion dance on New Year is performed to stave off which mythical creature? - Chi - Xiao - Kun - Nian
译:新年舞狮是源自哪个神兽? 小主答不上,也不想翻译。。。
16. Which cake prepared from glutinous rice is traditionally baked during New Year celebrations. - Dodol
- Nian Gao
- Kalamay
- Kuih
译:哪一种糕点是用糯米制成,并且是新年期间烹制? 除了年糕,其它都不知道是啥。
17. Which of these is considered an inappropriate gift during Chinese New Year? - Clock - Money - Clothes - Book
译:春节期间,以下哪个东西被认为是不合适的礼物? -钟 -钱 -衣服 -书 (钟不光是春节期间不合适吧?)
18. Which is China's biggest city? - Beijing - Shanghai - Hong Kong
译:以下哪一个是中国最大的城市? -北京 -上海 -香港 (面积最大的是呼伦贝尔,人口最多的是重庆,你丫咋就知道北京上海香港呢?)
19. Where and when were the first fortune cookies made? - In America the 20th century
- In China the 20th century - In Japan the 16th century
译:第一批福饼是在哪什么时候发明的? -20世纪的美国 -20世纪的中国 -16世纪的日本 (从没听过福饼的飘过。。。)
20. How many months is the Chinese calendar divided into? - 10 months
- 12 months - 14 months
译:中国阴历有几个月? -10个月 -12个月 -14个月 (你说呢?)
翻译的好累,谁让小主是活雷锋呢?不过下下周小主又要去参加荷兰人关于春节的pub quiz啦。小主会代你们好好碾压荷兰人的!(荷兰语太差已经被碾压过的飘过。。。