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YQ06  四海霸王  2006-5-2 10:46:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

Post by violasue

mphil不可能自动转到phd, 除非像英国一样一开始就有写明顺利就可以转。
51guo  海贼王  2006-5-2 11:48:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

In the usage of the United Kindom, Australia, New Zealand and some other countries, the Master of Philosphy (M.Phil.) is a research degree, requiring the completion of a thesis. It is a lesser degree than the PhD, and in some instances may be awarded as a substitute for a PhD thesis which is a marginal fail. It may also serve as a provisional enrolment for the PhD. It is generally thesis only, and is regarded as a senior or second masters degree. An M.Phil. is generally considered equivalent to the French Diplôme d'études Approfondies or DEA, Spanish Diploma de Estudios Avanzados DEA, or First Doctoral Degree.

The University of Cambridge offers the M.Phil. as a one year taught degree. This is to distinguish it from the Oxford/Cambridge/Trinity Dublin MA degree, which is awarded to BA graduates after a certain period of time, but no further study (since the nineteenth century). It is increasingly becoming used as it is in the United States - a degree offered but rarely taken, by PhD/D.Phil candidates who have yet to complete their dissertation. Officially, however, students in the UK do not initially study for a PhD/D.Phil, they study for an M.Phil, and the decision to continue from M.Phil to D.Phil/PhD is decided at the end of year 2 by the student and supervisors.

In the Netherlands the M.Phil. is a special research degree and only awarded by selected departments of a university (mostly in the fields of Arts, Social Sciences, Archeology, Philosophy, and Theology). Admission to these programmes are highly selective and primarily aiming at those students opting for an academic career. After finishing these programs students normally enroll for a PhD program.

Some American universities award the M.Phil. At those universities the degree is awarded to Ph.D. candidates when they complete their required coursework but before they defend their doctoral dissertations. This status is also called A.B.D, or All But Dissertation (or All But Done). Many Ph.D. candidates at these universities view the M.Phil. as a formality and elect not to receive it in order to avoid the paperwork and costs involved. However some programs do not offer an en route M.A. or M.S., so the M.Phil. is the first opportunity to receive a degree between the Bachelors and PhD.
eclat  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:02:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

Post by YQ06
mphil和phd有必然关系吗?mphil是研究型硕士,区别于课程为主的硕士。香港的大学full time的master都是mphil类型的(几年前,现在不知);在英国的一些大学,博士生会先被要求注册成mphil,一年后考核过了,正式攻读博士,未过,拿mphil学位。在荷兰,拿mphil学位会比一般的master好申请phd吗?不清楚

在荷兰并不是每个学科都采用新的学制即二年MPHIL+三年PHD DISSERTATION。理工科很少,文科比较流行。以经济学为例,UVT,UVA,VU,EUR,UM等我知道的都是这种新学制。二年的MPHIL上的课和美国博士前二年的课性质是一样的,通过所有考试,论文,及PHD论文提纲,就可以直接进入PHD DISSERTATION阶段。虽然学校并没有承诺所有MPHIL都能进入PHD DISSERTATION,但只要经费允许,就没有问题。

踏荷渡兰泽    2006-5-2 13:05:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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eclat  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:20:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

smile2u  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:21:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

Post by 踏荷渡兰泽
eclat  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:23:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

Post by violasue

踏荷渡兰泽    2006-5-2 13:32:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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荔枝MM  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:41:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

1\授课式研究生 MSC

2\研究式研究生 MPHIL
eclat  海贼王  2006-5-2 13:47:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 有人知道MPHIL和PHD的联系吗?

Post by 踏荷渡兰泽

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