公元2002年11月20日早晨大约8点左右,校园的明朗的天空上出现不明黑云,原来是TWRC Building 着火了!!熊熊的蘑菇云状的黑烟直冲云霄.TWRC Building 是屯特大部分网络服务器的所在地,由于这次火灾大部分设备都被烧毁,导致校园网瘫痪,我们失去了与世界的联系,附火灾照片.
Information on the fire at the TW/RC-building
From: central crisis team UT
To: UT-community
Information bulletin 2.0 20/11/02 11.00 hr
Information Fire TW/RC-building
Since this morning 8 o'clock a fire is raging through part of the TW/RC-building. This part houses the computer and network facilities of the university; the fire has caused their break-down.
There are no casualties. Students and staff from the TW/RC-building have been received in the Mechanical Engineering building (WB).
Measurements show that no hazardous materials have been released. In the recent renovation the asbestos was removed from the building. People living and working in the neighbourhood are advised to keep their windows and doors closed as much as possible to keep smoke and soot out.
The part of the building that houses the computer facilities, is considered lost. At this moment the fire department tries to limit the damage, so that the second wing of the building is not affected. There are no laboratories or running experiments in the building. Back-up files of education and research data, dating mostly from the previous weekend, are present. At this moment work is being done on repairing the network facilities. It will take several days before these are completely repaired.
The affected part of the building contains project rooms for students, a number of lecture halls and education and research rooms for the educational programme Communication Studies. The Saxion Hogeschool Enschede has offered help by making space available.
Information points:
The TW/RC residents assemble in the WB-building, an information-point is set up there. The other information-point has been set up in the BB-building.
A central information-point has been set up in the former Dutch Bank building on the Enschedesestraat, where now the company Virtu resides. The telephone number of this info-point is 053-4366605.
At this moment the central crisis team is meeting to take stock of the consequences for students and staff |