A course for incoming Maastricht University students
Maastricht Summer School is pleased to offer a new and exciting preparation course for incoming non-EU bachelor and master students.
This course is designed to help you to adapt to the Problem Based Learning environment and explore academic communication skills required at Maastricht University and will take place between 15th and 18th of August 2016. During four, two hour, classroom sessions, you will practice academic skills, such as giving presentations and discussing Problem Based Learning tasks. You will also be introduced to essential academic writing skills which you will build on and draw upon during your time at Maastricht University. The course is designed to help students acclimatize to Dutch culture and to get to know the Netherlands a little better. It is hoped that you will experience a sample of what it will be like while studying at the university during this short course.
Before starting the course, you will be asked to submit a short writing assignment (250 words max) on a given topic. You will then be invited for a face-to-face (or online) intake. Additionally, an online introductory webinar will be provided.
Teacher: to be provided by Maastricht University Language Centre
Course fee: € 275
Course period: 15-18 August 2016