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本帖最后由 turningred 于 2016-3-30 22:08 编辑

张维为,齐泽克,维基解密阿桑奇(Skype), Paul Mason, Jan Zielonka, Jan Pronk, Hans Schnitzler...
四月一日 在阿姆斯特丹,这里有一场关于哲学、经济、政治的嘉年华 -门票有限!!


小秘密: 如果你写信给我,可以得到 Weiwei 那一场的免费票哦: pema@uitgeverijbyblos.nl
Oh no no, 我知道你们too shy to写信给我, 所以填这个在线表格也可以吧:http://goo.gl/forms/5q3Oxkq41Q




张维为教授之前接受的BBC采访 -国内好像看不到...


What is the G10 of the economy?
We warmly welcome you to the first G10 festival of Economics and Philosophy on April 1-2 in Amsterdam. We will gather in two beautiful venues in the center of town: the Beurs van Berlage and the Westerchurch. Buildings with a great atmosphere, a rich history and at the same time full of new light and energy.

In stimulating sessions we will bring together twenty economists and philosophers of international standing who will present their views on the development of society in the next decade and enter into dialogue with each other and all participants.

The program is dynamic and invites everyone to partake in these dialogues. There are various forums, question and answer sessions, lectures and some direct Skype connections on big screens with eminent philosophers and economists.

We have a festival lounge and media café where we hope to meet many of you.

G10’s success depends on you. The essence of the festival is to engage with each other to gain the urgently needed deeper insights into important developments that are rapidly transforming our society. Of course, there are major issues raised, such as Europe’s future, doom or progress; or the direction in which our society develops.  In many of our current debates, such large transformations are often only touched upon, in subordinate clauses. They become buried under a lot of noise, out of sight and inaudible. In G10, we try to listen carefully, to hear between the lines, to catch the spaces between sentences, as Nietzsche called it.

We have invited a mix of international free thinkers to contribute, such as Slavoj Zizek, Yanis Varoufakis (on Skype), Wolfgang Streeck, Paul Mason, Frederieke Hegger, Zygmunt Bauman or Johana Oksala, economists and geopolitically seasoned thinkers such as Jan Pronk and Wei Wei Zhang, or Birgitta Jonsdottir, European experts such as Jan Zielonka an Mathieu Seghers, philosophers such as Christoph Türcke, Hans Schnitzler, Marli Huijer, Miriam Rasch and Willem Schinkel, the financial geographer Ewald Engelen and many others. They will open the dialogues in each session with their insights.

Economics and philosophy are dynamic sciences which are continously being adjusted. The now sharply criticized approaches to the economy as ‘value-free’ and simply measurable, contrast starkly with the traditions of more sociologically or socio-economically informed approaches that often hark back to Marx and Weber, and want to create a broader worldview.

All kinds of questions will be addressed: the future of the current economic and financial systems, the power or impotence of politics to sketch different horizons for the world and for Europe; the different kinds of value systems that operate in all these grand issues.

For example: Have countries lost their grip on the financial markets, with governments borrowing more and more, as the German economist Wolfgang Streeck argues in its exciting bestseller about the "delayed crisis of democratic capitalism"? We ave seen how out of nowhere, the European Central Bank creates around one thousand billion with total unknown side effects. Questions are posed regarding the extent to which this new money has a certain "measurable" value. Or has the term 'measured' become worthless, and has the ancient and beautiful concept of "measure", disappeared completely from our lives? What criteria apply in many ‘measures’ taken? And what influence we can have on institutions like the ECB?

Or take special thinkers we invited such as the anthropologist and philosopher Christoph Türcke, who describes the history of money from prehistory to the 21st century. In our money a lot of mythology is packaged, a subject which Türcke addresses in fine detail. He will elaborate on this mythology, makes it visible in his lecture "The Priesthood of Money", Saturday in the Beurs van Berlage.

We also give special attention to the economic journalist Kathrine Marcal, with her book "Who cooked Adam Smith's dinner" (Dutch title: "You do not believe it") which addresses the female dimension in many international economic and political developments.

Of course, the G10 will only start to bring together a range of relevant views. We hope to encourage each so that together we can develop a clearer view on the major movements that currently change our society and affect our lives.

We wish you a warm welcome on behalf of the foundation of the G10 economies.


然后这位是我最喜欢的齐泽克 一个神经病老头..!

这几位不认识,不过他们在讨论 Is the EU Doomed耶

这里有一个德国的知名人士, 一个哲学家刚写了一本杠杠的书 (唉 应该没有人看过)


Paul Mason在就一定不会冷场的.. (这个session票很少了,大多是冲着Varouvakies 去得)



turningred  见习海盗  2016-3-30 08:44:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

票分成单买的和通票(学生45欧,其他人65欧),优惠码只针对单买的“非学生”这种 75折哦
优惠码是: Volkskrant2016

turningred  见习海盗  2016-3-30 11:21:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
演讲是在教堂里哦  安妮旁边那个阿姆斯特丹西教堂喔,
屏幕快照 2016-03-30 12.19.21.png

屏幕快照 2016-03-30 12.20.33.png

loveinholland  ↗版主↗  2016-3-30 11:28:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
同喜欢齐泽克,搞怪大叔。Pervert's Guide To Cinema 看几遍了……本科时听过他的讲座,老喜欢擤鼻涕……
turningred  见习海盗  2016-3-30 22:09:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
loveinholland 发表于 2016-3-30 11:28
同喜欢齐泽克,搞怪大叔。Pervert's Guide To Cinema 看几遍了……本科时听过他的讲座,老喜欢擤鼻涕…… ...

是呀! 不停地捏鼻子 >_<

turningred  见习海盗  2016-4-1 22:17:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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