亲爱的同学、学者、校友们, 无论你是初来荷兰的留学生,还是修得正果即将踏上归程,我想莱顿总有一瞬曾让你刻骨铭心。或许是童话世界般鸟语花香,砖瓦古道的美景,或许是一面写满诗句的外墙,或许是零点从主图出来空无一人但灯火通明的运河道,又或许是永远撑不住伞的风雨天……几百年来,这座小城迎接又送走了千千万万的留学生,旅客,变化的只有时间。而我们跨越地理和时间的维度来和它们相见,问好,也是一种难以言明的缘分。 ACSSNL莱顿分会和莱顿大学marketing部门联手,愿为你提供一个平台,用微视频表达出你对于邂逅莱顿的心声与感受吧!
Dear Student/Scholar/Alumnus, Have you fallen in love with Leiden as I have? Did you start to call this place “home” as I did? Do you want to share a unique story between you and this beautiful little town to let more people feel its charm? If you say “yes”, then please join us in the 1st ACSSNL Short Video Contest! Take us through a 3-minute journey of your exciting, wonderful life in Leiden. We are eager to listen to your story here!
Best Regards, ACSSNL Leiden
荷兰中国留荷学生学者联合会 莱顿分会
Association of Chinese Students and Scholars in the Netherlands - Leiden
[img=200,78]https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/-p8Q0fmEpE5epkRJoJrhFFRRbuQ170o26-o_6Uemmpe3ECUAhWktFaiMl3bSXS06p5CIzq4JaMpLGCoPBley0ovzsBj4Tjz-ualUxE5BRTs=s0-d-e1-ft# [/img]
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