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下面是收到邮件的正文, 英语的,大家都看得懂,就不翻译了。

The FOM Executive Board recently has taken a decision about the application of the so-called 30% ruling for PhD-students at FOM.
It was decided that, starting November 1, 2012, FOM will request the tax authorities permission for application of the 30% ruling for those PhD students who are entitled to the 30% ruling  and who ask FOM to do so.

Application of the 30% ruling affects your social security premiums and entitlements. (Details in the attached information flyer). You are completely free to ask for application of the ruling or not.
If the request is granted by the tax authorities FOM will apply the 30% ruling in the specific way described in the enclosed flyer.
You may also ask FOM to start this procedure if you started at FOM before November 1, 2012. Application of the ruling will start not earlier than the starting date set by the tax authorities.

(Before November 1, 2012, FOM did not ask permission for application of the 30% ruling in the case of PhD students according to an earlier decision of the FOM Executive Board.)

Please find the enclosed information about the 30% ruling, its conditions and explanation of what the FOM specific application of the ruling may mean for you. The attached document also contains (a translation of) the Dutch form you can use to request application of the 30% ruling and a statement, ("verklaring").
If you wish to do so then please complete and sign the form and the statement and hand it over with a copy of your (signed) employment contract and your curriculum vitae to the Personnel Officer of your Institute or send it to Central Personnel in Utrecht if you are working within a university group.
If you would like to receive more information or if you have any questions about the FOM-specific application of the 30% ruling in your own situation, please contact the Personnel Department of your Institute or Central Personnel if you are working within a university group.

Yours sincerely,
R.A. Koornstra LLM
Head of Central Personnel

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