如果你直接搜索db bahn day pass,出来的一般会是全国性的天票,这种天票会比州票贵很多,但能玩整个德国,不受州的限制。其他的规则和北威州天票差不多。http://www.bahn.com/i/view/USA/en/prices/germany/quer-durchs-land-ticket.shtml,你进入DB的这个网站后,能看到各种天票的或者打折卡的介绍,翻到day ticket的terms and conditions那栏就能看到我所说的了:
On one day from 09:00 a.m. to 03:00 a.m. the next day for an unlimited number of trips throughout Germany.
Saturday and Sunday: Valid from midnight until 03:00 a.m. the following morning
Valid in all regional trains (RE, IRE, RB,S-Bahn) of Deutsche Bahn and all participating railway companies. The use of long-distance trains (ICE, IC, EC, City Night Line and other international high-speed trains) is excluded.