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10月刚通过路考, 之前朋友推荐的老师,非常不错。 老师比较有耐心,英语好,跟中国学生沟通可以很清晰明了理解。
想考驾照的亲们可以联系: 0626066458
EMAIL: saverijopleiding@live.nl

Dear all,
I just passed my driving exam. Would like to share some experience with you. Its quite tough and different driving rule between China and Holland. Said is my driving coach,  who is from Save Rijopleiding. He gave me very helpful tips ,which i could not experience with other coach. The communication is very well even though we are from different countries. I can easily understand his points.
If you are interested in applying for your driving exam, Save driving school definetely a good option.
Contact information:
cellphone: 0626066458
email: saverijopleiding@live.nl

Best Regards,


海棠秋露  海贼王  2015-10-23 16:33:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
在哪里? 谢谢
oz.bezarius  见习海盗  2015-10-27 16:53:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
同样也是10月27路考一次通过 也是Said教练, 力荐力荐
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