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course titleMicroeconomics I for IE&B/Economicsfull course titleMicroeconomics I for IE&B/EconomicsgoalsTo acquaint students with the basic principles of microeconomic theory and provide insights into the interrelationships between markets. Students learn to apply these basic principles to real world phenomena such as competition between enterprises and its effect on social welfare.given inEnglishtermsemester I acredits (ECTS)6formatlectures and tutorials (Lectures, tuorials and practicals)assessmentwritten examcourse typepropedeutic phasetutor(s)dr. D. Wiersma; dr. H.W. Plasmeijer (coordinator); drs. M.R.C. Elderingcompulsory literatureTitleAuthorISBNPriceMicroeconomics [6th ed., 2004, Prentice Hall]R.S. Pindyck, D.L. Rubinfeld |