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正当人们以为张丹要退出比赛时,柔弱的张丹向教练姚滨坚定地摆了摆手,表示还能继续完成比赛。最终在规定倒计时结束前,擦去眼泪的张丹在张昊的陪伴下,重新回到冰场中间,全场观众立即报以长时间的热烈掌声!在随后的节目中,两人顺利地完成了两周半跳接后外点冰三周跳、捻转三周、后外三周抛跳以及后内三周等高难动作。他们勇敢的表现不但征服了全场观众,也征服了现场裁判。裁判给出了 125.01分,这个成绩也刷新了个人自由滑历史最好成绩!最终他们以189.73分拼得了一枚宝贵的银牌。这也是中国在奥运会花样滑冰历史上的最好成绩!


外国解说员惊叹冬奥首现抛四周 为张丹哽咽失声






轰动都灵的摔倒 傲立意大利上空的亮丽

  新浪体育讯 摔倒,在体育的世界中意味着失败,无论是拳击、摔跤、还是柔道,又或者是体操、跆拳道,摔倒都意味着与胜利的无缘,更遑论比的就是落地稳定与否的“花样滑冰”,然而,在这个中国已经迎来西方情人节的日子里,有一个人在摔倒的同时,完成了令世界震撼的“傲立”!

  也许是世界上最美的竞争,双人滑屡屡在冰面上演绎绝美浪漫的爱情,热情如火的、情深似水的,情人节的前夜里,旋律与舞步交织着一场场 情爱的绚烂,而他们,有些另类,他们的旋转里,凝结的不是爱的挚诚,而是灵魂的壮丽!


意大利的电视台在反复播放着张丹摔倒后重新站起的画面,虽然我无法听懂他们在说什么,但异域的观众眼里无疑都经历了从难以置信到五体 投地。也许冷静下来,我们会有更多更深远的顾虑,但在那时那日,汹涌的澎湃仅仅源于竞技精神在一个小姑娘身上飞扬的无与伦比!

情人节之吻!”然而,这或许并非由于张昊的木 讷或者东方人特有的矜持,因为那时那刻,七尺昂长也会对那个轻易就能被自己举过头顶的身躯无比敬意!


  《龙的传人》,今夜,没有什么比这首歌更形象于那一抹彻动心底的红;今夜,与情人节无关,银牌因那惨烈的摔倒而耀动的灿然光芒,纵然 是金牌也无法比拟!


下乡知青  高级海盗  2006-2-16 15:48:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 转:张丹令世界动容的一幕:轰动都灵的摔倒

loltou  禁止发言  2006-2-16 17:16:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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下乡知青  高级海盗  2006-2-16 17:22:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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荷兰的秋天  四海霸王  2006-2-16 17:24:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 转:张丹令世界动容的一幕:轰动都灵的摔倒

下乡知青  高级海盗  2006-2-16 17:25:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 转:张丹令世界动容的一幕:轰动都灵的摔倒


From "San Jose Mercury News"

"At any moment, a great moment and this was it"
BY JOE POSNANSKIKnight Ridder Newspapers

TURIN, Italy – The beauty of the Olympics is you never know when that moment
will happen, the moment that will stick with you, the moment when Rulon
Gardner beats an unbeatable Russian or Kerri Strug lands on one leg or Bob
Beamon jumps to the sky or a bunch of hockey-playing American kids beat the
When the Chinese pair – Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao – skated on the ice Monday
night, there was no sign, no hint at all, that this could be that kind of
moment. They were the last couple to skate in the pairs competition, and they
had no chance at all to win the gold medal. That had been clinched by the
Russians, Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin, the 12th straight Russian pair
to win Olympic gold.
Still, the Zhangs (who are not related) did have a chance to win the first
skating silver medal ever for China. That was not enough to keep some people
from walking out to beat the Italian traffic. The Zhangs started their program
with the throw quadruple Salchow, a move so absurdly tricky that it has never
been completed in competition.
And so the moment began. Hao threw Dan; she spun in the air four times and
tried to land on her right foot. Her ankle turned. She fell into the ice, her
legs split, her knees collided with the ice. Dan slid backward and crashed
into the boards.
The only sound in the Palavela Arena was the Zhang's music - "The Offspring of
Dragons" - still playing while Dan tried to get up. She fell back to the ice.
She pulled herself up again and tried to go on, but instead she doubled over
in pain. Hao skated over to help her across the ice. They had been skating
together since he was 13 and she was 12. The music stopped.
"I thought this is the end," Dan said.
Everyone thought it was the end. Up on the big screen above the ice, they
showed the fall and showed it again and a third time, and each showing
inspired a pained "Ohhhh" from the crowd. At some point, while Dan talked to
her coach and a doctor, Hao turned around to look at the crash for himself. He
"I have fallen like that, and I was out of commission for a week," former gold
medalist Jamie Sale wrote on her NBC blog.
Dan skated back on the ice. She was hurting in enough places - her left knee,
her left thigh, her right knee - that she did not seem quite sure how to go on
. Hao held her elbows and guided her around the ice, as if she was a child
just learning how to skate. "We were empty in our minds," she would say
through a translator.
She broke away from him, skated around slowly, testing each limb as the cheers
started to build. Then she went back to her coach. She seemed about to quit.
Only then, she took a couple of tissues and wiped away her tears. She went
back on the ice. Afterward, she would be asked again and again how much pain
she felt. Dan refused time and again to answer.
"We are challenging the extreme of a human being," Hao said. "She was doing
four turns in the air. You saw her hit the hit the board. You can imagine the
level of pain."
The music began from the beginning. They skated together, round and round,
anticipating that point in the music where they could pick up the performance.
And then that point hit, and they began skating together, side by side, and
right off they jumped a double axel and triple toeloop, the toughest jumping
combination any pair tried all night. Dan buckled a little bit, but stayed on
her skates.
And they were skating again while the crowd's cheers grew louder and louder.
He threw her for a triple loop - she landed. They spun together. They did
their intricate dance steps together. They rolled through their routine, and
maybe there were flaws in the performance, maybe a couple of buckles, but you
would have to be looking through clear eyes to see them. And nobody had clear
eyes. Tears flooded the arena. Teddy bears and flowers were thrown on the ice.
People blew kisses to this Chinese pair.
"That has to be the most inspiring, phenomenal comeback I've ever seen," Sale
wrote in her blog.
That left only the judging. There's a new scoring system this year, one that
is supposed to take passion more or less out of the equation. But in the end,
figure skating is passion, right? That's why the sport draws the big
television ratings and inspires millions of faithful fans and provokes
millions of others to make fun of it. Figure skating is sweeping music and
glitzy costumes and flamboyant personalities and a million hours of practice,
but mostly it's passion, and the judges did exactly what they had to do. They
scored with their hearts. The Zhangs won the silver medal.
When the announcement was made, applause overwhelmed the arena, and Hao picked
up Dan, held her in his arms as if they were newlyweds about to walk into
their home for the first time. She had a bandage around her thigh and some
sort of ice pack on her knee. She looked dazed. He looked thrilled.
"I'm proud of her for being so brave," he would say.
While he held her, I looked around the arena and realized that everyone in
there, no matter their nationality or age or language, was feeling the same
way: This was it. This was the moment. There's no feeling, none, quite like
being there for that moment, the one that will be remembered. You feel like
the world is spinning around you.
In the stands, there was a section of Russian fans. They were there to cheer
for their skaters and, mostly, to ignore the others. All evening, a large man
wearing a red Russian sweatshirt had led the crowd in raucous cheers, as if he
was conducting an orchestra.
But as Hao held Dan in her arms, the man turned to the ice and applauded. All
the Russian fans behind him stood and applauded too. This is what the Olympics
can be.
下乡知青  高级海盗  2006-2-16 17:26:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 转:张丹令世界动容的一幕:轰动都灵的摔倒

Post by 荷兰的秋天
baoeni  见习海盗  2006-2-16 17:42:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 转:张丹令世界动容的一幕:轰动都灵的摔倒

下午3点    2006-2-17 22:53:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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心心小喜鹊  海贼王  2006-2-17 22:57:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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