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SkyEurope’s Christmas present: “Forget taxes and charges” promotion – for all bookings until 14 December

SkyEurope Airlines, the leading low-cost low-fare airline in Central and Eastern Europe, starts today a very special promotion: for all bookings made between 7 December and 14 December SkyEurope pays your taxes and charges. The promotional offer is valid for bookings for all flights to all destinations until 28 October 2005.
With this Christmas present, SkyEurope wants to thank its over 1.8 million passengers that have been using our low fare services  over the last 12 months, and offering an unbeatable fare for their next flights.
The shown fare during the "Forget taxes and charges" promotion period is therefore an ALL INCLUSIVE offering.  You pay only the base fare! That's it!



天才白痴梦  ↗贵宾↗  2005-12-10 01:48:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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