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Hello everyone,

I am doing my thesis with Martini tower. There are some questions. If you can help me in few minutes, your great answer will be appreciated so much, if not, no worries. please reply to me by email: lxjdesign@yahoo.com.cn

many thanks,

with all my best regards,



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rau  中级海盗  2005-11-25 15:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

leioo2000  海贼王  2005-11-25 20:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey


The Value of 0643161794
Modern and Historic [EMAIL="lxjdesign@yahoo.com.cn"]lxjdesign@yahoo.com.cn[/EMAIL]

I am doing my thesis with Martini tower. There are some questions. If you can help me in few minutes, your great answer will be appreciated so much, if not, no worries.

1. Do you like Martini tower?

Yes I do.

2. Do you think it is important to Groningen?

Yes I do.

3. Do you know some history about it?

Yes I do.

4. What’s the most important thing of Martini Tower for people?

I don’t know.

5. Are you proud of it? If yes, please explain it a bit.

No I am not.

6. Do you think it is important for new generations? If yes, please explain it a bit.

No I don’t.

7. If Martini tower collapsed, do you think we should rebuild it? If so, explain a bit, please.

No I don’t.

8. If Government announces they are going to break down Martini Tower and build another super modern building, what do you think?

I don’t know.
DellChen  见习海盗  2005-11-25 22:39:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

SURVEYPRESENCE AND ABSENCE Xinjian LuThe Value of 0643161794Modern and Historic lxjdesign@yahoo.com.cnArchitecture,MartiniTowerI am doing my thesis with Martini tower. There are some questions. If you can help me in few minutes, your great answer will be appreciated so much, if not, no worries.1. Do you like Martini tower?Yes2. Do you think it is important to Groningen?Yes3. Do you know some history about it?No4. What’s the most important thing of Martini Tower for people?Symbol of their religious belief as well as their City5. Are you proud of it? If yes, please explain it a bit.Yes, Because it has a long history (although is not able to compare with most chinese temple) and is the tallest building in Groningen as i see6. Do you think it is important for new generations? If yes, please explain it a bit.Yes, Because new generation can know the history of the city from the tower and they will love the city more and be more proud of the city if it has some symbols such as Martini tower. What's more important, it can be used as a mark to guide young men like me who unfortunitely might have been lost in the city7. If Martini tower collapsed, do you think we should rebuild it? If so, explain a bit, please.No8. If Government announces they are going to break down Martini Tower and build another super modern building, what do you think? I think the Government is stupid, why not break down anybuilding else beside or near Martini tower, because none of them is as valuable as Martini Tower
rau  中级海盗  2005-11-26 19:47:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

Veeky Huang  四海霸王  2005-11-26 21:14:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

leioo2000  海贼王  2005-11-27 23:28:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

Post by rau

今天去GROOT MARKT做这个调查了~荷兰本地人好像对MARTINI T相当不屑~真难理解~
lxjdesign  初上贼船  2005-11-28 01:04:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

Post by leioo2000
今天去GROOT MARKT做这个调查了~荷兰本地人好像对MARTINI T相当不屑~真难理解~

leioo2000  海贼王  2005-11-28 02:29:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

rau  中级海盗  2005-11-28 12:32:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: A research survey

Post by leioo2000
今天去GROOT MARKT做这个调查了~荷兰本地人好像对MARTINI T相当不屑~真难理解~

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